Wednesday, December 1, 2004

Economics 101 in Rogers Park

For the past 10 years, If you have every walked or driven in the 1300 Block of West Morse Avenue after 5pm you have noticed the double and triple parked pizza delivery driver cars in front of J B Alberto's Pizza.

These drivers, while waiting for the next delivery drink lot's and lot's of Carta Blanca and Tecate. That's Mexican Beer.

Every morning there is empty cans and bottles, scattered everywhere. They use the vestibule of the Cobblers Mall doorway as a bathroom.

This leaves the DevCorupt North SSA #24 tax payer funded janitors less time to keep the Morse Avenue Open Air Drug Market Salesman's area clean.

The Chicago Police Department squad cars pull into the mall accross the street some of the time, they get out once in a while, walk in a grab a slice or two, then go write tickets on expired meters up and down the street.

Or they write loads and loads of tickets for the street cleaning.

Now, starting today until April 1st, they ticket and tow on certain streets from 3 am until 7am, calling it a "Winter Parking Ban", these are the red and white warning signs with the blue snowflake on top. Not to be mistaken for the 2 inches of snow parking ban.

Yet, not one ticket gets written to the double and triple parked delivery drivers of J B Alberto's Pizza. With the cost of a double parked car fine, 9-64-110 (a) being 75 dollars a pop, you would think the city would love writing these tickets?

As for the fine for triple parking, it's not even on the Violation Code, though, I'm sure Mayor Daley has his posse of taxpayer funded city lawyers looking into the matter?

This is alot of lost revenue the city is losing by these officers not giving tickets to the J B Alberto's delivery drivers, on top of that, these drivers are driving around "Sauced Up on Cheap Mexican Hooch".

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