Friday, January 28, 2005

Cel Phone Store Disconnected

No Answer at Bel Com
Bel Com Bel Com
Bel Comm at 1341 W. Morse was closed yesterday for operating with-out a license. This is the same store that had a wrong address on it's awning, causing a policeman to think he was at 1443 West Morse, when responding to a ( don't click the bogus link, Charlie at Rogers Park dot com deleted it ) drive by, gang shooting on October 9th, 2004. CeaseFire, Joe and I joined with a dozen other neighbors and circle prayed at this spot after the shooting. That was the second Ceasefire circle prayer we had at that location in 2004.

I reported this awning address problem to Ora at Harry Osterman's office a couple of times. She actually called them and they corrected the awning after a few attempts.

This spot was very popular with The Open Air Drug Market Salesman of CAPS Beat 2431. When the Chicago Police Department officers drove up and sat in their squad cars watching the west end of the 1400 block of west Morse Avenue, the Open Air Drug Market Salesman wised up to this and just walked east to the 1300 block to conduct business, figuring the officers weren't looking in their rear view mirror?

If you ever get a chance to walk by this store, you can look at the quality work that went into the Awning Address Replacement Numbers, it's the only numbers this store will be displaying.

As one of those wireless cel phone commercials goes, "How many bar's do you have?"

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