Monday, January 24, 2005

(Extra Special)-Special Service Area #19/24-Part #2

Special Service Area #24 Testifier Gets Royal Treatment
Extra Special
While the other 300 or so property taxpayers of SSA #19/#24 get a 3 to 6 foot path of snow pushed to the side, leaving a 2 foot drift and a small layer of snow behind, like JB's Pizza, DevCorp North treats one of their properties very, very well, removing every bit of snow, special melting rock salt and all, from the building to the curb.

The above photo is the Morse Avenue Janitor's office, located in Cobblers Mall 1330 West Morse Ave. It is unknown how this location was chosen and if any commissioners voted on this location and how much the rent would be?

Cobblers Mall is one of four actual property owners who went downtown and orally testified for SSA #24. Four out of 200 plus! The other three were Rogers Park Auto Glass, Rogers Park Auto Shop and Car Wash. This company collects $315 dollars a month storage fees for the SSA #19/24 tractor and sidewalk sweeper. And you complain about $100 a month auto parking?

The last company orally testifing was the Morseland Bar and Dance Club. This company got the only food and liquor vendors permit for the SSA #24 sponsored, 2004-Glenwood Art Fair. Plus got a quick route process (the fast track) to a liquor license, when they were first denied by the liquor commission.

The other 300 plus property owners should feel really ripped off, not getting the same royal treatment as an oral testifier. They pay the same extra special tax, some properties pay more because of their size, plus they don't get a rental kickback storage and office fee's, each month.

These other 300 plus property owners should DAMAND the same fair treatment and have DevCorp North remove the snow the same as they did here in this photo, from the building to the curb!

That's if they didn't have to do this themselves on Sunday?

This isn't the first time this property got the special treatment. Does every property get this type of window cleaning?


Charlie Didrickson said...

Craid said "These other 300 plus property owners should DAMAND the same fair treatment and have DevCorp North remove the snow the same as they did here in this photo, from the building to the curb!

Not clear about the 300#.......but if the Landlords,Management Co's and store owners would simply clear their own snow,sweep in front of their own business' and act as though they were part of this community we would not need an SSA and would not need this BLOg. The Morseland guy's don't sit around waiting for the SSA to shovel the snow, they do what is right and do it themselves. Fast Track? That's a good one.

Again you are pointing fingers at the very people who are working to change this neighborhood for the better.

Get a clue,and start pointing fingers at the problems,not one or more of the solutions.

Unshoveled snow = Photo-Op for Craig! Whoooopeeee

Charlie Didrickson said...

Hey Craig

If I push a TV out my window....will you come by and critique my shoveling?

Just kidding.......keep it coming. (really)

Have a good one!

Toni said...

No doubt someone will feel obligated to correct me. But don't most businesses (excluding bars) open around 9am? If snow has accumulated by 9am, the SSA crew is nowhere to be seen, then isn't it sensible/logical that storeowners would proceed to do the task themselves?
A simple solution: SSA should Start Earlier
A simple argument: There really isn't one

Toni said...

One tractor for two SSA areas? So that's why Howard always comes last. They do the 'new' SSA first? Of course, there are a few more stores on Morse. Take a very long rest break and get to Howard whenever....
Or they're following a map like last year, 11AM and finally getting around to a Saturday icing.

Toni said...

Perhaps the taxpayers should 'demand' that couple of high paid salaries take a cut and purchase another tractor. Put the money where the feet hit the pavement. So what is the real purpose of these tax hikes, to pay high salaries or follow the 'mission statement'?

Hugh said...

Toni asked...

>So what is the real purpose of these tax hikes, to pay high salaries or follow the 'mission statement'?

And Michael posted...

>Excellent idea! Cut the people and their salaries and make the snowplows drive themselves down the street.

This snippet of rhetoric, "Them snowplows don't drive themselves!" is frequently used by DevCorp North apologists to justify the extraordinarily high administrative overhead of DevCorp North relative to the claimed value they add to our neighborhood. It is important for the neighborhood to understand that the NONE of property taxes collected in the two Special Service Areas (SSAs) that DevCorp North established in our neighborhood goes toward paying the SSA workers. The folks shoveling the snow and driving the DevCorp North snowplow on DevCorp North's mall are paid in food stamps and then at minimum wage by the Illinois Department of Human Services through their Earnfare program.

Earnfare and Noncustodial Parent Earnfare

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