Sunday, January 16, 2005

Paws 4 Peace Needs Volunteers

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Published: January 16, 2005. Chicago Tribune

ROGERS PARK-Rogers Park commuters may soon have some four-legged security on their walks to and from elevated trains. Paws for Peace, a group of vigilant dog walkers, is recruiting a corps of canine escorts for the morning and evening rush hours at the Morse stop on the Red Line.

The group, which organized in July, already works with CAPS to look out for crime while on their dog walks.
"We want to be a positive presence in the community," said Margot Hackett, a Paws for Peace organizer. "We'll report crime or anything unusual we see."

Hackett, whose full-time job is walking dogs, hopes the sight of pets like Macy Gray, her Doberman pinscher-German shepherd-Labrador mix, will dissuade would-be criminals and soothe nervous commuters.

"People with dogs have to get out anyway," she said. "Now they can be the eyes and ears of the community."
So far, Hackett has recruited about 10 master-dog pairs, including a Rhodesian ridgeback and pit bull-Labrador mix and their owners.

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