Thursday, January 13, 2005

SSA #24-Not at Work-Part 4

SSA #24 Trash Not Removed... DevCorp North Management fails..Again.
SSA#24 _11
What we have here is garbage that wasn't picked up from yesterday's SSA janitors. I have 10 other photos of other garbage littering the street that was missed by the Special Service Area janitors and could have taken more. These visible garbage photos "sums it all up".
Wednesday morning at 6am, as I was walking in the 1400 Block of West Morse Avenue, I saw bottles and cans scattered on the sidewalk, outdated posters on Boarded Up and Vacant Windows and of course, The Open Air Drug Market Salesman...Everywhere. My first pass west down Morse there were no police anywhere.
Wednesday at 3:30pm, as I was walking in the 1400 Block of West Morse Avenue, I saw bottles scattered and cans on the sidewalk, (including the above photos) the posters were removed and of course, The Open Air Drug Market Salesman...Everywhere. My pass down Morse this time had officers sitting in their squad cars. I wanted to stop in the Polititians office at 1409 W. Morse Avenue to take photographs of this situation from a somewhat "safe zone", but the office wasn't open. I have asked in the past to use other locations for a photo shoot, but the businesses with good visibity will not let me use the location. They harbor the Open Air Drug Market Salesman and don't want to get involved. I can't use the CTA platform because Open Air Drug Market Security Gaurds watch from up there.


Anonymous said...

Voting the ward dry would take time and a lot of work...but in the interim, one would think a ban on selling half pints and single bottles and cans would alleviate some of this trash. And, the larger the 'brown paper bag' the easier for police to see. Flip side, when they break, all the more glass to pick up.

Another thought, money is tight, people reside in section 8 housing yet can afford the latest tax hike on liquor? But, they have non-government subsidized drug money for liquor. Toni

Charlie Didrickson said...

"What we have here is garbage that wasn't picked up from yesterday's SSA janitors. I have 10 other photos of other garbage littering the street that was missed by the Special Service Area janitors and could have taken more. These visible garbage photos "sums it all up"."

Actually, what we have here is garbage DUMPED on the streets. The problem in not that SSA #24 workers don't pick it up,the problem is that they need to do it at all.

Let's start pointing fingers and getting angry at the very people that create the mess in the first place.

The folks making a living "off the streets" want Morse to look like a hellhole. It's better for business,and keeps would be shop owners questioning moving in. Nothing new!

Financing Public Works service projects with SSA taxing is just the current trend.(pretty fair even) How many exist in Chicago?

SSA effectiveness is certainly open to debate, and yes Morse is a hellhole right now. I applaud everyone on all levels who are working to turn it around. Someday soon it will move through this current cycle and thrive once again.

Anonymous said...

Craig, the solution is for DevCorp North to assign a personal Clean-up Man to you, to follow you around all day to pick up trash that you point out. Oh, and you can hide behind that person to take your photos in a Safe Zone! The solution to all your problems!

Tamara said...

This is Chicago?Ive been looking for a profile to see where your pics are taken.(blonde moment probably) lol
Just curious though.Great blogging.
Take Care,
Tammi N Texas

Anonymous said...

>Let's start pointing fingers and getting angry at the very people that create the mess in the first place.

Good suggestion, Charlie. But be prepared for some really heated responses. I tried this a few times ...

Ever wondered why people put their trashbags *next* to the dumpsters in the alleys? Or on top of them? It's puzzling, because most two-year-olds can distinguish relations such as 'in' and 'on'

Anonymous said...

So Craig, let me get this straight. DevCorp North spent yesterday taking down their own litter off of vacant buildings and left this garbage behind for another day? The taxpayers flipped the bill?

Charlie Didrickson said...

Or soon after the SSA guy's finished cleaning......the litter bugs were back to the practice of using the street as their personal garbage can.

What should we have.....round the clock street cleaning?

How about handing out some tickets for littering. Anybody know the cost of the fine associated with it?

Maybe a littering sting is in order?

Anonymous said...

> I have asked in the past to use other locations for a photo shoot, but the businesses with good visibity will not let me use the location.

Craig, name those 'businesses', please! Shame them publicly. Not that any sane person would frequent those stores anyway ...

By the way, the 'Duds n Suds' laundromat is an excellent spot to watch the east corner of Morse and Glenwood.

Anonymous said...

>SSA ... How many exist in Chicago?

Good question, but hard to answer since the City took almost all their SSA info off their website, all except on page, a very general description of SSAs:

Special Service Area DesignationsUntil recently they listed them and each SSA had their own page with a map.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Thanks for the advice Mayor. A few friends suggested I do what they do on those hidden camera shows.

They have a hats or glasses with a cameras hidden inside!

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