Friday, February 18, 2005

Heartland Cafe's "Old Parking Plan"

Back to Plan A
Parking Problem 2
Date and Time: 2/18/05 - 7: 25am
Not happy with "Plan B", The Heartland Cafe goes back to "Plan A".

"Plan A" includes, Pull up to the middle of the corner, turn on the blinkers, go inside and let the company mini-van sit, illegally, for as long as they want.

Why not, they have been doing this for years, much like putting on concerts with-out proper zoning? Come Clean on this Michael James, tell us about the zoning issue the Alderman finally fixed? Still not sure how "THAT" "back room", "middle of the night" deal went down?


Toad734 said...

Heartland, i havent been there forever, I go to the O plenty though.

Charlie Didrickson said...

Here is a good one.....Your talking to the wind on this one Craig. Maybe you should call or stop by the Heartland and speak directly to MJ He told me just last night he has never been on your Blog and could care less about it.

PS. my BOSS,as you refer to him has to date, never been on this blog either.

So much for your belief that EVERYONE reads this stuff

Craig Gernhardt said...

The Chicago Police Department, the agency that writes the parking tickets for illegal violators reads this site once and awhile Charlie.

That's the department that matter's quite frankly! Not MJ.

Craig Gernhardt said...

At the CAPS Beat 2423 meeting, the area that includes the Heartland Cafe, has been mentioned at the last two CAPS meeting as a parking trouble spots in the neighborhood. Had they shown up like the Alderman wants businesses to do, he would have known that.

Neighbors complained about:

Double Parkers, blocking traffic, causing congestion.

Curb blocking Parkers, causing sidewalk users to detour around.

Bus Blocking Parkers, causing the bus to blow the horn for minutes on end.

End of the Curb Parkers as shown in the story.
If Michael James chooses to ignore this issue, he will be a on-going feature.

I heard him directly mention to me he isn't happy with the Hell Hole, he may not read it, but he knows about it. His partner Katy Hogan has also mentioned the Hell Hole directly to me, wanting me to post "good stories,", she also may not read it, but she knows it content.

Now, go out and play, it's Saturday.

Charlie Didrickson said...

Mr roger parker said: It's called denial. Hogwash.....I have been living with the gangs around here for 16 years.The notion that the Gang issue has not been addressed before this blog is simply an uneducated comment.

Has Craig made it the focus of his actions? betcha

We all pick our own fights

How long you been hunkerin in these here parts Roger?

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