Monday, February 28, 2005

* King Killa's Broken PlayGround

The Old Field School @ Greenleaf & Ashland
* King Killa Notice Sign - Front and Rear

Field1 Field_school
Does anyone know, Who is keeping track of the kids? Does anyone know who is keeping track of the equipment they play on? And who is keeping track of... King Killa?

* The Broken Five (5)
A simple game of number tic-tac-toe is broken.
* The Broken Plastic Circle Window
A plastic window is not only cracked, it's broke in half. Just like the kids hearts.
* The Broken Pink, Half Moon Shaped Thing
More broken parts to the playground.
* Tha Broken English
"Fuck tha Finball", whatever that means? Please tell us.

With all the grant money that is circulating to Rogers Park Community Council, Rogers Park Youth Net, Family Matter's and DevCorp North for education programs, safety programs, youth programs, streetscape programs, vacant windows programs, and housing programs. When they aren't busy holding TIF meetings...SSA meetings and Morse/Howard vision meetings. When they aren't to busy hosting fundraisers and cheerleading for our public officials and Realtors. Could these groups find some money and time for a Broken Playground Program?

Does anyone know who is keeping track of the kids?

Who is keeping track of the equipment they play on?

And finally, Who is keeping track of King Killa?


Craig Gernhardt said...

Hey Michael, Because that's what they claim to do.

Let's see, RPCC reported to the IRS it spent $680,350 between 7/1/02 to 6/30/03. That's two/thirds of a million dollars, on these projects.

Housing Home Repair for the safety of the community.

To assist in afterschool programs, education and intervention.

Neighborhood improvements.

Any results? Where was all that money spent, line for line?

Craig Gernhardt said...

They claim to be a neighborhood improvement, developement and safety organization.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Why would RPCC spend 8 thousand dollars in insurance over this same period of time? Who is the insurance agent?

Craig Gernhardt said...

Mission Statement:
Rogers Park Community Council (RPCC) was organized in 1952 to improve the quality of life in our neighborhood through social, civic, and educational purposes that foster health and welfare, urban renewal and conservation, law enforcement, and community organization.  Since that time, we have worked to maintain and improve the great qualities of our special neighborhood.  Our history is based on success -- including securing thirteen lakefront beaches for public use, obtaining Warren Park as an open space, and organizing the city-wide coalition for liquor license reform.  Today, our programs work to guarantee that Rogers Park remains a community of choice. 

Craig Gernhardt said...

"It’s essential for the future of our neighborhood to include and listen to our youth," "We are committed to reaching out and engaging our youth in leadership and community development." Top Paid- Exectutive Director, RPCC Cary Steinbuck said in RP2000, March 2004

What are the kids saying here, Cary Steinbuck?

Craig Gernhardt said...

Where is the Local School Council? Where are the janitors?

Craig Gernhardt said...

Well-maintained school buildings and equipment have an influence on pupils''s called pride.

Craig Gernhardt said...

We need schools that show zero tolerance to any bad behaviour.

Craig Gernhardt said...

I sent an email regarding this sad situation to the Alderman's office. I have yet to get a response.

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