Wednesday, February 23, 2005

* Marcus Herron Pleads Guilty

One Hundred Day's in the Hole

On August 17, 2004, in the 1300 block of West Lunt Avenue, Marcus Herron chose David L. as his victim.

Today, Marcus, wearing a drab green DOC two piece suit, stood before the judge and in front of a 11 court advocates to plead guilty on assault charges and received 100 day's in jail.

Marcus is currently in the Department of Corrections system for a burglary, he recently was released from prison for a burglary and possibly violated his parole agreement for this assault offense.

In all, Marcus looks to spend the next year in jail. He was also ordered by the judge to stay off the area of Sheridan and Lunt after being released.

David L. still has medical bills to cover, David has taken many man-hours of work off, yet he seems satisfied on the out-come, after the vedict.

After the trial, Alicia Lopez from Alderman Moore's office, thanked all those neighbors, who have given hundreds of hours of time, to volunteer in the court advocacy process.

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