Wednesday, March 23, 2005

* Off-Duty Security Meeting Tonight

The Alderman's head cheerleader Kevin O'Neil sent this message out on his Yahoo Group. His mission is to round up people for clapping, after the Alderman talks.

This very politically motivated meeting is sponsored by the taxpayers, but if you believe the green flier, every public official in our ward is sponsoring this taxpayer funded program.

The meeting is from 7pm to 9pm tonight @ Iglesia de Cristo Mision Crisiana Elim - 1615 West Morse.

Again, if you arrive late, it's not a big deal, most likely, the Alderman will be late too.

Here is Kevin's recruiting line.

' Opposition will be at the meeting to let commissioners and elected officials know how they feel....So we too should be there, to tell them we support the idea, and thank the commissioners for trying this on Morse Avenue."

Kevin O'Neil
Heart of Rogers Park Group
CAPS Beat 2431 facilitator

1 comment:

Craig Gernhardt said...

Michael C. You seem to be clueless to, these rent a cops can't and won't arrest anyone. They drive around keeping score.

The commsioners and Kevin O'Neil are mere cheerleaders for this plan, trying to drum up a crowd to support this taxpayer funded waste of money.

Read my lips, this will be a waste of money! Kevin O'Neil and the commsioners are clueless.

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