Saturday, April 30, 2005

DevCorp, Still not giving 100%

50% ( or half ) is all they can do?

I'm back. Actually, I've been back a week. It takes that long to recover from the exhaustive and demanding sport of national trials competition at 4o something years old. Trying to keep up with Patrick who is fourteen and full of energy is harder than keeping track of Alderman Moore and DevCorp North's errors and mistakes. A brief trials summary here.

I also was offered a job writing a monthly opinion article about the United States trials scene for Trials World Magazine in the UK. I love the sport so much I would do this for nothing. Yet when the publishers assistant told me the price for writing this article (250 pounds a month, you do the conversion ), I said, " sure... I'll do it." Now... all I need is for Sun-Times to offer me a weekly opinion piece on Rogers Park. In the mean time, here's a good one.

It's called doing a half ass job. Or giving only 50% effort.

This sign says it all, courtesy of Special Service Area #24 and DevCorp North. It's crystal clear who did this, no denying it.

Sign 2 and pole

Sloppy painting, or grass art?

Sign 1

Fliers littering the ground warning neighbors of the half painted pole.

Sign 3

That's right, our very own, half painted, public utility pole. Just this morning the pole was a nice chrome pole, recently installed with new signs and lighting. Special Service Area #24 janitors painting half the pole? Was this ugly off white/grey color voted on by the nine commissioners? Did the City of Chicago Streets and Sanitation approve this half painted pole job? I'll have a follow up after I talk with the downtown folks at Streets and Sanitation.

Oh... and did you notice in the brief summary, Patrick sits in second place after four rounds, far better than we all had hoped. Our team goal was top five. The kid is real good, but I never tell him that in person, it keeps the fire burning with-in.

I will be blogging less this summer, a couple of stories a week. There's not enough time in the day.


Jim Witts said...

This was interesing off DevCorp's website. Are there any pictures on this site's archives of SSA fliers on poles?........

SSA Spring beautification initiative is underway

You may have noticed that all the light poles and fire hydrants in both the Howard Street and Clark/Morse/Glenwood SSA's have recently been painted. DevCorp North's maintenance crews were out scraping off leaflets and painting the poles and hydrants last week.

(A reminder that posting leaflets on light poles is illegal and subject to a per/pole fine).

The next step for the maintenance department will be to clean out the existing tree grates and replace the wood chips on Morse Avenue and Clark Street. Soon we will receive the delivery of plants for the planters on Howard Street and all of Rogers Park will be beautiful.

Hugh said...

Welcome home!

It almost looks like the SSA janitors get paid by the hour.

Thanks for posting. Post when you can.

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