Sunday, June 19, 2005

* Mean-While.. Back on Morse Avenue

Reality Painting on the Wall
Sister City
The theme to this year's Artist on the Wall is "Our Sister Cities". This artist and her concrete canvas square shows two very different cities.

The left side of her painting has a vibrant out-look city street, nice and bright...

The right side, well... it's a not so healthy looking city street, down-trodden and blue. Darn right depressing.

I asked the artist what the thought behind the painting was? She looked at me in disbelief.

"It's Morse Avenue. It's full of dollars stores." I asked her if that was a smoking gun in the bottom right? "No"! she said. "It's a ghetto blaster." Gee, how dumb of me. Then again, art is in the eye of the beholder.

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