Tuesday, July 5, 2005

* Nasty Health Hazzard on Glenwood

Special Service Area #24, Not Protecting Community From Bad Businesses
Ms Egg Roll 3
Did someone take a dump in the alley? This is nasty. This has been here for weeks. Hasn't one SSA janitor spotted and reported this? How about one of those SSA commissioners? They took an oath to protect us from this. The SSA manager, he too promised and is paid to spot deadbeat businesses causing blight.
Ms Egg Roll 2
No wait, the crap is dripping from up here. This can't be healthy? It's grease dripping from the ventilation system. Where are the inspectors?
Ms Egg Roll
Here let me help the city health inspectors out. This is where the greasy, rodent attracting, health hazzard is coming from. Ms. Egg Roll #2 @ 6966 N Glenwood. What happened to Ms. Egg Roll #1?

1 comment:

Craig Gernhardt said...

Roger, I noticed this was fixed when I got home today too.

As for the power washer comment, DevCorp North brags they have one, like the tractor, it never gets used.

The whole sidewalk route along both SSA's could use a full power wash.

Maybe I will do a story on the ugly sidewalks?

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