Wednesday, July 27, 2005

* Open Letter to Alderman Moore

July 27, 2005

Ald. Joe Moore
7356 N. Greenview Ave.
Chicago, IL 60626

Re: W. Lunt Property Meeting follow-up

Good Afternoon:

I hope that all is well, and that you are enjoying a respite from the current heat wave.
Over two weeks ago, I attended a meeting about "troubled buildings" on W. Lunt Ave.

I want to thank you for holding the meeting. From the turnout alone, I’m sure you realize this is an important issue of safety and concern to many of my neighbors. I am sure that you are doing everything in your power to resolve this situation, and coordinating your efforts with the building owners and police.

At the end of the meeting, several of the residents were informed that an E-Mail would be sent out regarding how this situation is being resolved. I have not received any communication from your office. I know you are busy, but please provide me with an update about:

Any personal meetings with the building managers, and solutions or actions that came out of said meeting (i.e. have the managers committed to hiring security guards, etc);

What information has been communicated to the police about illegalities occurring on W. Lunt. At least two residents gave detailed descriptions of how these open air markets are operating, and descriptions of at least two individuals believed to be dealers. These open-air markets are still in operation.

Any information requests filed, or research conducted by the Alderman’s office to determine the actual owners of 1345 W. Lunt Ave.

Whether your office is aware that Mr. Block, who manages 1345 W. Lunt, also owns a building on Loyola Ave. He made statements during the community meeting that he does not own, operate, or manage any other buildings in Rogers Park.

I appreciate your attention on this issue. Many of my neighbors are still very concerned about the situation, and some have expressed interest at being left “in the loop” about any discussions with the building owners. The front gate of remains chained open at 1241 W. Lunt, and several other problems still persist. Some things have gotten better. The loitering has stopped – although much of this “activity” has moved to the corners, and it is much quieter at night. I attribute these improvements to your meeting. For that, I sincerely thank you.

However, for our personal safety, it is important that this issue is not left to fade away. While the meeting may have been cathartic for many residents, we still need help from the police, the Alderman, and others to ensure that the problems at W. Lunt aren't simply moved to another block for another group of citizens to deal with.

I would appreciate a response within a week. If some information takes longer to gather, I am willing to wait, but would appreciate notification. Thanks again for your hard work, and dedication to the community.


Dan Kuemmel

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