Thursday, July 7, 2005

* Tour de Morse

White Jersey Leader
Tour de Morse
Here we have either:

a.) A contestant in the Tour de France?

b.) A cycling Open Air Drug Market salesman?


Craig Gernhardt said...

Stop reading then dickhead.

RogersResident said...

Race does not enter into this. Based on my observations, they are drug dealers, lookouts and criminals. It's not too hard to figure out. Here's why:

1. They are wearing uniforms so the customers know they are there. Every day, it is a plain, white, clean t-shirt.

2. They are on bikes, but they don't bike anywhere. They just circle the block. They are not out for a pleasure ride - no water bottles, no backpacks, no bike locks, no helmets.

3. Every time a police cruiser comes down Pratt or Morse, they ride off while speed dialing their cell phone. I saw one of them miss a cruiser because it was blocked by a truck. When the cruiser came in view, he exclaimed "Oh, sh*it" and dialed the cell phone.

5. This behavior is consistent. I see it almost every day. It is the same group, doing the same thing, in a known drug area.

Michael C.'s assertion that race and racial profiling is going on is ignorant. There's a difference between racial profiling and astute observation.

I wish/hope the police are doing astute observation and do something about these criminals.

Craig Gernhardt said...

This was emailed to me today. We will call her ""The Teacher."

From the email address, she's a teacher. Thank you for the email....

i tried, without success to creat an id on eblog to communicate on your forum.
couldn't do it, so i'm emailing instead.

you are a wealth of information and one of the few aware people i've found in
the neighborhood. thank you for your postings, it seems joe dumb ass 49th only
responds when things might make it to the papers. if your blogs hit the paper
with the frequency you submit online, he might actually do something.

i just moved here in feb of this year and am appauled by the drug sales going on
in plain site, and the frequency any idiot can see that repeated trips are made
to my neighbors home in a day. i'm not a narcotics officer, or i might not have
noticed this behavior, but come on...months to do an investigation? ok, i'll
give the cops the guest bedroom to observe if they need it. just get this crap

oh well, i didn't meen to diatribe, just thank you.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Also, it's a shame poor Michael C got himself in a ruffle.

All he had to do is pick answer a.

Charlie Didrickson said...


Jocelyn said...

I have SEEN the child SELLING DRUGS. Yeah, a white t-shirt might be racial profiling. Wake up -- Oh maybe he's on a military pension or disability - - that's why he has idle time on his hands.

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