Did Alderman Moore really say, "I do not foresee residents fleeing to places like Evanston to save a few bucks?"
Did you know Alderman Moore goes to the suburbs for office supplies now. Explain yourself Alderman Moore.
From Alderman Moore's D-2's.
Office Max 2255 Howard St.
Evanston, IL 60202 $13.01
1/20/2005 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore office supplies
Office Max 2255 Howard St.
Evanston, IL 60202 $41.94
1/21/2005 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore office supplies
Office Max 2255 Howard St.
Evanston, IL 60202 $442.80
2/14/2005 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore printing expense
Office Max 2255 Howard St.
Evanston, IL 60202 $27.99
2/15/2005 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore postcards
Office Max 2255 Howard St.
Evanston, IL 60202 $119.59
3/11/2005 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore camera expense
Office Max 2255 Howard St.
Evanston, IL 60202 $110.00
3/11/2005 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore flyer printing and expense
Office Max 2255 Howard St.
Evanston, IL 60202 $32.49
3/14/2005 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore copying and flyering expenses
Office Max 2255 Howard St.
Evanston, IL 60202 $64.05
4/11/2005 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore postcards
Citizens for Joe Moore
Office Max 2255 Howard St.
Evanston, IL 60202 $34.79
4/15/2005 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore paper
Office Max 2255 Howard St.
Evanston, IL 60202 $34.79
4/18/2005 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore office supplies
Citizens for Joe Moore
Office Max 2255 Howard St.
Evanston, IL 60202 $719.79
4/25/2005 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore printing & flyering supplies
Office Max 2255 Howard St.
Evanston, IL 60202 $12.25
5/10/2005 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore postcards for poltical meeting
Office Max 2255 Howard St.
Evanston, IL 60202 $60.07
6/10/2005 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore copying expense
Office Max 2255 Howard St.
Evanston, IL 60202 $4.06
6/10/2005 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore office supplies
Office Max 2255 Howard St.
Evanston, IL 60202 $21.73
6/14/2005 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore office supplies
Regardless of the time frame during which the purchases were made or the taxes saved (or not)it seems inappropriate and contradictory for a Chicago city alderman to be fleeing to the burbs to spend Chicago taxpayer dollars. Why is Joe Moore's office giving Evanston, and businesses in Evanston, our money? Yes, they would have to travel slightly further but there is an Office Depot on the 6100 block of Lincoln. Or, if they were really concerned about saving taxpayer dollars w/out regard to where the money goes, they could buy their supplies online and not pay taxes at all (though they would have the shipping charges but think of the time saved driving back and forth to Evanston!). Wonder where they go for lunch. Wonder where Joe does his personal shopping.
Press the easy button Joe, go to Staples.
I'm not sticking up for anyone here, but this is not like Joe himself went to the store himself.
Isn't Citizens for Joe Moore technically a private group? This is what is says on the bottom of his website:
www.ward49.com is paid for by Citizens For Joe Moore and is not funded by taxpayer dollars.
I know it is fun to bash him, but chances are, it wasn't him. And, it was probably not our tax dollars paying for this, but money out of his campaign fund.
Most of find that you will spend more time and gas money going to Lincoln Plaza to Office Depot. What is the shame, where the staffer is a bit frugile and short on time. Office Max is a hop, skip and a jump. Maybe someone wants to point out a more reasonable joint for the Alderman to shop at and e-mail him?
I don't care where Joe Moore shops. But it is an indictment that the Alderman like the rest of us must go to Lincolnwood, Skokie or Evanston for most of our shopping. I'm like many in the neighborhood who take issue with our lack of retail. I really miss being able to take a walk for my different odds and ends. It would be so nice to have a Caffe/ Coffeshop on Clark, a bookstore, a Staples (or whomever) a shoe store -DSW?, just little improvements within walking distance of our homes. Do we ask too damn much? Maybe it's me. Maybe i'm too snooty to go into some of the grimy looking dollar places up here.
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