Monday, August 1, 2005

* "Blind Spot When it Comes to Corruption"

From a Broken Heart reader... "Don't know if he grew a spine or lost his marbles."

From Time Magazine:

"Daley dismisses the scandals as a few isolated incidents rather than evidence of any "systemic" problem. But even many supporters find it hard to believe that Daley, who practically has patronage in his blood and is known as a hands-on boss, had no idea what was going on. "I like him. It's just that he has this blind spot when it comes to corruption. I don't think he ever realizes the seriousness of it," says Joe Moore, a Far North Side alderman who was elected to the city council two years after Daley took office.

Alderman Moore, please look into your own 49th ward corruption at DevCorp North with Special Service Area number 19 and 24 if this issue really concerns you so much.

Full Story Here. Thanks for the link.


Hugh said...

Somehow Moore seems to have become the go-to guy when the press wants a pithy quote from the "opposition", such as it is. Too bad Time failed to ask Moore what he had done about corruption in City Hall over the last 15 years.

Jim Witts said...

Isn't that the reason why they brought the SSA's in? To cover what the city wasn't doing?

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