Friday, September 9, 2005

* Rogers Park Refugees Get No Help

React flier
A orange political flier promoting cosmetic help. For the Rogers Park Refugees, this was nothing more "than a joke" said Reggie, a RP refugee, a day after the Human Service van was in the park . "The serious issues of no-housing, no-jobs and no hope were not addressed" said Reggie.

Four day's after the Hell Hole broke this story regarding the Rogers Park Refugees, Alderman Moore reacts slowly, like FEMA did in New Orleans for the hurricane victims.

The only problem is our Alderman did this for a political stunt. He didn't do this because he cared. Because he doesn't. He is only worried about his image and how it looks when the homeless are shown and the hopelessness is exposed in his back yard.

That doesn't look good on the resume.


Charlie Didrickson said...

Craig said:
The only problem is our Alderman did this for a political stunt.

And you posted this because you have seen the light and are a changed man?

Craig: these people represent the fringe of our society as we currently know it, and are breaking the law....Don't you want them shot or something?

Talk about could work in Hollywood my friend.

Charlie Didrickson said...


your comments were: The timing looks to me as if Joe reacted, not did this because he cared. Sorry Charlie, I'm with Craig on this one.

Sure he reacted so what? Is that not the goal of Craig's fodder? Does he not want the Ald to react?

Joe and others have routinely attempted to help those homeless among us. I have been living in RP with the folks in the park for 18yrs. Mostly I feel sorrow for these people. The fact is that most don't want any help.Saying Joe does not care is pure bullshit.

Let's see........Craig has been affected by a heavy heart all of a sudden? Maybe he sees the Metaphor that is New Orleans playing out every day in the theatre of Rogers Park?

Nope. He simply used the most unfortunate among us as mere props to take a stab at Joe? Seems that way to me.

Any suggestions?

Knightridge Overlook said...
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Charlie Didrickson said...

Man I need to preview these things first!

Too f-ing funny!

Damn... Lawyers are sharp!

morseville said...

WHY does the alderman do nothing and wait until he reads about one of HIS problems on Hellhole? WHEN is he going to get off his butt, get clued in to reality, and DO something?

Charlie Didrickson said...

morseville piped up and said:

WHY does the alderman do nothing and wait until he reads about one of HIS problems on Hellhole?

These are OUR problems

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