Sunday, October 2, 2005

* RPCAN Makes Ripple ( Not Waves )

Lately RPCAN has been real lame. Fran Tobin has the group spinning it's wheels. RPCAN has dropped the ball on the affordable housing for the 27th precient of the 49th ward. There was a non-binding referendum on the 2003 ballot to set a-side a portion of the housing in this area. The measure passed, but nothing was really accomplished.

The same goes for the Aronson Park/Greenleaf development across the street from Field School.

And the Loyola TIF.

Now we get this from the power-less people at RPCAN. Maybe they can do something this time:

"Preliminary reports suggest that, as some of us feared, the Park District's schemes to create "world class destinations" along the lakefront include ideas that voters here rejected overwhelmingly.  Details are still coming in, but a recent presentation by consultants (the infamous JJR, who worked with RPCC and Loyola on some other behind-the-scenes schemes) included creating a "Loyola Harbor" (now, is that something different from a "marina"?).  According to sketchy reports, the consultants said they had been working with local officials, but that was later denied.

Okay.  We don't know the whole story, and we need to look into it further. But this seems like another example of secret planning -- perhaps with some deniability, because it has not yet been (publicly) adopted by an official- for development and construction along our cherished lakefront. 

Jan Schakowsky and Harry Osterman keep telling us we should not be afraid of the conversation.  But why are we not PART of the conversation?

Don't let this pick up any momentum.  Let's send the message, NOW, that we don't want any behind the scenes plans, and we expect to be full partners in any "conversation" about our lakefront.'

Click the link to send an email to Congresswoman Schakowsky and Rep. Osterman.

Send the link to everyone you know.  Stop this before it gets too far.

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