Sunday, October 2, 2005

* Smiles from the United Church of Rogers Park

United Church of Rogers Park
Something got over me this weekend. Sit down. Here is a good news story.

Members of the United Church of Rogers Park showed up in force at the Glenwood Avenue Art Festival ( GAAF ) to spread the news of the church's 100th Anniversary Celebration.

One Hundred Years Old !!!

Pictured are seven of the 23 member team. All the volunteers were recruited to meet neighbors and help chat up the church's Open House and Pancake Breakfast event on Sat., Oct. 15 at the church at Morse and Ashland. I will have a flyer posted for this event later.

FYI: For those who don't believe, for all those atheists, there is something at the church for you .... it's a Nuke Free Zone too.


Knightridge Overlook said...
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Pamela said...

What would progressive folk do without the likes of Pat Robertson, Bill Bennett, and other social conservatives putting their feet in their mouths? It would get boring if we lived in a world where people didn't say silly things. While I don't advocate bombing Chavez it sometimes occurs to me when reading Craig's blog that some folks might be happier in a country where there are no individual liberties than RP where people can still engage in private property transactions without consulting the masses or government, and where business can be assumed to always act badly but guvmt can somehow be constrained as a force for good.

As for being opposed to nukes -- since I was in college I found the whole "no nukes" concept somewhat laughable (so much so that we used to throw "Nuclear Fallout" parties and serve nasty toxic potions that likely killed many brain cells. One simply can't undo what's been done and put it back in a box and lock it up for all eternity. Given that others will develop nuclear weapons, regardless of pressures, then it seems one would want to be in possession of such if only as deterrent. Bad guys usually pick on easy targets -- those who are weaker and/or unarmed (witness the number of muggings of old folks).

Several years ago when sitting at Ennui and discussing dangers in the park I came to realize that everyone was packing but me. My more libertarian views may not always mesh with those of my more progressive brethren but it blew me away when I realized that the token libertarian at the table was the only one obeying the law (since concealed weapons are illegal in Chicago). An interesting lesson in talk being, well, just talk. No guns! We want gun control! (except for Suzy, John, and Mary who are responsible citizens and carrying them because they have to for protection!).

The Unitarians are also big on Nuke-Free zones. More silliness but to each his own. Even though I am agnostic one of the things I truly treasure about RP is that on a short dog walk I can swing by the Hari Krishnas, the Moonies, the Assyrians, Korean Baptists, Methodists, Episcopalians, Catholics, and even the Church of the Divine Holy Light (or whatever it is -- on Sheridan north of Touhy). On any given day I run into Jews, Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses (they are actually my favorites), Hindus, and bad Buddhists. And somehow we are all letting each other live our lives as we see fit, pursue our own interests, engage in business as we wish, buy homes, sell homes, send children to school, care for elderly parents, take vacations where we wish, dine on what we wish. No government laws demand that we behave in such a way, despite our many differences in place of origin, language, religious dictates, or loathing of anything to do with religion, we somehow manage to live together in peace and relative harmony.

And that's a beautiful thing.

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