Monday, November 7, 2005

* 49th Ward Lakefront Referendum

Organizers of the 49th Ward Lakefront Referendum met Saturday to launch a new referendum effort. The meeting was very positive and productive. We finalized the wording: "Should the City of Chicago, State of Illinois and Federal Government prohibit lakefront expansion from Hollywood Ave. to Evanston that includes extension of Lake Shore Drive or establishment of any other roadways, marinas or harbors, housing, major landfill or commercial development?"

The obvious answer to this question is "YES!"

Next we planned to canvass the ward to meet a minimum percentage of signatures in each precinct. That way no one area is over or under represented. Finally, we voted to undertake this effort with a broad constituency not owned by any one group; enlisting as many segments of the community as possible.

How can you help now?

We need people to circulate petitions and to take responsibility for meeting a minimum number of signatures in each precinct. But don't worry--no precinct requires more that 29 signatures so it's not a Herculean task! We expect to have petitions and poll sheets available by Tuesday so we can begin. (If you're interested in circulating petitions e-mail me!) A series of community organizing meetings are being planned and will be posted when details are finalized.

Also, if you know of anyone who you think should endorse this referendum or could partner in our effort, pass that information along and we will do our best to include them: political organizations, community groups, block clubs, faith-based organizations, sewing circles, dog-walking groups, sororities/fraternities, senior centers, parent and school groups, businesses...everyone is welcome.

Please join us in sending a stronger message to our elected officials, the Park District, and anyone else eyeing the north lakefront for development or profit.

Anne Sullivan
Communication Coordinator


Hugh said...

If you're interested in circulating petitions please e-mail Anne at


Michael K said...

This is the same wording as the last very broad referendum that gets so much attention. Why not just add opposition to murder and child molestation? Ridiculous. It is apparent that this group opposes all Lakefront development. SOL wants to keep everything the way it is which is currently woefully inadequate. Why? For environmental reasons? To protect the rights of a few property owners with private piers and beachfront property? The facilities in our parks suck and will continue to suck so long as people support these referendums that try and protect the lakefront from phantom highways in order to protect the interests of the few.

Michael K said...

This is the same wording as the last very broad referendum that gets so much attention. Why not just add opposition to murder and child molestation? Ridiculous. It is apparent that this group opposes all Lakefront development. SOL wants to keep everything the way it is which is currently woefully inadequate. Why? For environmental reasons? To protect the rights of a few property owners with private piers and beachfront property? The facilities in our parks suck and will continue to suck so long as people support these referendums that try and protect the lakefront from phantom highways in order to protect the interests of the few.

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