Friday, November 4, 2005

* Alderman Moore says `We're More of a Steak-and-Ale Kind of City '

But Fatty Goose Liver Still Legal in Chicago
(Blog Reader Submitted, no money changed hands.)

Despite calling in the culturally sensitive journalists from the NY Times, the celebs, PETA, and marshalling the forces of his ward, Alderman Joe Moore is unable to obtain passage of the important legislation that would protect geese from the savagery of Chicago diners.

Moore understands, however, that his fellow councilmen and women just need a little time to “take a look at it further.” One observer suggested that they will be looking at it for a very long time, which is disturbing if true.

Rogers Park residents are naturally devastated by this turn of events. “Geese will continue to die needlessly!” exclaimed one resident.

There was some talk by residents of holding a rally at city hall (it is hoped that they will be able to generate greater turn out than the latest anti-war demonstration).

The Heartland Cafe promises that they will “never serve foie gras here!” as a measure of solidarity.

Should the measure ever pass, there are loopholes that have some residents concerned. "You know, don’t you, that people can still buy the nasty stuff and have it shipped from Dean & Delucca. I think I saw the UPS truck pull up to a house on Albion and I just know they were delivering foie gras. These people ought to be jailed! Do you think it’s intentional that they have an ad for Williams Sonoma next to the article on the Chicago Trib website?

These foie gras forces are just so sneaky and nefarious. I think Karl Rove is the behind-the-scenes point guy here. I’d like to know what the Alderman’s plan is to get them? "We need to protect ALL the geese,”
who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.


Charlie Didrickson said...

I love satire........

Knightridge Overlook said...
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Anonymous said...

You made my day. Thanks!

Charlie Didrickson said...

Sikki said: Do you not also agree this woo hoo, foie gras deal shouldn't even be raised by Ald. Moore?

Indeed....Joe is just raising his political profile. So what, I think it is actually quite savy on Joe's part. He is willing to be the whipping post and at the same time boost his name recognition.

It is a dead issue as far as I can tell. These are issues that are meant to garner as much media as possible(good or bad) in order to rally the troops.


Makes you wonder just how thin that line is when watching the Daly show or reading the Onion.

Would you rather discuss Tax policy as it relates to and its effects on global trade negotiations between the poultry industry and small specialty food retailers?


This is way more fun and I can even claim to understand a small part of the overall dynamic.

Have a great weekend you all. I will be sure to bring back some Fois Grais from the Chesterton European Market in Indiana!

Let them eat what ever the hell they want!

Craig Gernhardt said...

Sally said.....>"Let's have hearings on torture man Jon Burge"!

Sally, this will be tomorrows blog post thank you very much.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Sick Nicki proclaimed.......>"We need to ban the 25 cent chip bags".

Better yet, charge a 25 cent tax to each bag.

Charlie Didrickson said...

I say tax toilet paper...20 cents a roll.

lafew said...

I agree that the foie grae thing does not help our community much. We are not a bunch of suburbanites and I feel that this has Evanston overtones.

However, will this blog ever blab about something that is good in our neighborhood. There are quite a few improvements, since I started living here. I can actually walk home regularly without having to feel like I have to take the bus and I can do it in a suit. The same area had issues with shootings in the early nineties. Now, it is home to a shrine and people who actually care and do something about it.

What is amusing is that they are not necessarily the WASPS and whinners on the web.

If the neighborhood had the volunteers, the Farmers Market at Gale School would still be up and operational. Where did the "volunteers" go? Whatever happened to it? Too much competition from Evanston? If there was, then the reason might be related to the lack of volunteer staffing needed to recruit the best vendors, among other things. You can't jump start a system and expect it to run on the efforts of a few volunteers, you need a village as they say. No village, no market.

If we could invest our time doing more than just computer jockeying for position on our asses, then more would happen. How many of you have actually been to the Health Club or ran down the Lake Front?

No, you probably won't get raped or mugged. If enough people took part in living, then more people would actually breath and come out of the woodwork. I want to give kudos to the listserve, because some of us need to speak up about the situation. I am not moving!

Of course, if you have too much of an attitude, live in another community, and like to see a community criticize itself; perhaps, it will make a difference, then you can continue to munch on popcorn and mope at the Buffalo bar, among other venues. How many have actually seen the new Candlelite? How many places can you sit on your rump on the can and actually continue to watch the World Series!

Perhaps, that is considered West Ridge, being on the west side of Western, but I remember the early eighties, when the suburban and college kids would go to Howard Street to have someone buy beer at the numerous liquor joints. Where are those store fronts, now?

Just some thoughts from someone with a few ideas and some objectivity.

I admit that no place is perfect, but I am not about to pretend like this place is a complete disaster.
The hope is that this site will encourage the neighborhood officials to take action and address the concerns of those of us who prefer to take photos, when we have time and report about our concerns.

Sometimes, meetings become a problem to attend. Who wants to bring your kids or miss a day of work to embarrass Joe Moore. I have better things to do then watch Loretta Swit spend her retirement chasing Chef Didier Durand into the lime light.

Did anyone hear about how his restaurant was trashed after the hearings. I wish that Joe Moore got the bill. He encouraged these people to do this sort of destruction, IMHO. You don't tell a steak and potatoes town what to eat. It will have to find out on its own and weigh the advantages with the disadvantages. Likewise, you cannot force a vegan to work out, either, when they think that working out is some sort of military waltz.

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