Monday, November 14, 2005

* Morse Avenue Streetscape Map Fiasco

" It's not a road in the middle of a cornfield"!
Quoting Alderman Moore at the $3.7 million dollar Morse Avenue Streetscape project meeting Monday night.

* Only $2 million dollars is secured for the project as of today. Alderman Moore claims the city will cover the $1.7 million.

* The fancy brickwork crosswalks presented to the public has flaws according to CDOT and needs early maintenance. Just a minor flaw.

* DevCorp North (we are told), will take care of the planters and beautification. We will visit that issue tomorrow.


Craig Gernhardt said...

Around 100 people attended. Some of note. Ms. Bares, Ms. Steinbuck, Mr. Carmego, Mr. O'Neil, Ms. Hogan, the Goldman's, Ms. Ables from ReMax, Mr. Goldberg and James, from the James Report.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Oops, almost forgot, and how could I?

Don Gordon with two old Morse Avenue Streetscape projects... dated 1992 and 1994.

Michael K said...

I had to work late last night and was uanble to attend. Are these plans and/or the Howard plans available on line?

Craig Gernhardt said...

Michael K. said......> "I had to work late last night and was uanble to attend. Are these plans and/or the Howard plans available on line?

I asked Alderman Moore that question last night at the meeting Michael K

Alderman Moore's answer was ""I can't do it."

There you have it. Alderman Moore can't do it.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Gladd you asked....

Michael K said...

That sucks. I wonder if we could get them from the designer? I'll look into it and let you know if I find out anything.

Michael K said...

I just got an email back from Wayne. He said he a has a call in to CDOT to see if he can get a copy. Say what you will about the Alderman but Wayne is awesome.

Jocelyn said...

Craig- I don't agree with you flyering over Community Meetings flyers. Are you trying to prevent people from coming to these meetings? Not everyone will go to your website and read about the meeting there- not everyone goes on the internet all the time.

With all due respect, I understand you want to get the word out, but I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't "undo" my efforts to encourage more community involvement by flyering for community meetings.

Peace out

Michael K said...

Just an update, I received an email stating that they would try to have it posted on in a few days. Also, if you are interested you can stop by the ward office to view it.

Jocelyn said...

I agree that was pretty funny...and too true

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