Monday, November 28, 2005

* People 4 Peace

Sit back... Relax, we have a good news story here.

Toni Duncan, Katy Hogan, Sister Cecilia and a host of other women ( and men ) of the community got together on a rain drizzled Sunday for a walk/march for peace. A walk around the north of Howard area was attended by 20 community activists and the Alderman. The group walk/marched in response to last weeks abduction of a Rogers Park neighbor.

One not so simple question. North of Howard is mostly African American in race, yet the walk/march had less than 4 people of color who walk/marched with the group of 20? Clearly this march/walk had the feel of un-equal community participation.


Knightridge Overlook said...
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Toni said...

The counselor: Of course, militating in favor of evicting large numbers of Section 8 residents won't help. The folks Toni would have to reach to reduce crime are the same folks whose residences the Howardwatchers blog is in favor of eliminating.

Is that a verbatim quote or your version and or interpretation? I'm not in favor of eliminating all these 'folks residences'; (BTW some consider the use of the word 'folks' as a racial slur). I am in favor of having landlords and managers properly screen according to rules and regs and enforce them without favoritism or looking the other way. I am in favor of NOH not being a dumping ground for the poor. I am in favor of some balance. Where do you think the info and complaints come from? People in those buildings telling me! So if you want to claim that certain owners NOH are in compliance I'm happy for you. And the truth that you and WF aren't stating is NOH is notorious for low participation and has been for years.

One church didn't announce it even though flyers were left there Wednesday, emails sent, etc. Another church had an incident to deal with and didn't get out in time which is understandable. Other people sent emails that they'd be out of town, but next time.

I'm helping the good tenants in section 8 who are sick and tired of the bad tenants in section 8. If you want to argue the rules, call HUD.

OH, about the hostility and eviction route? Why did you jump on the wagon about a problem building in your hood? Weren't you hostile and weren't 'you folks' wanting certain elements evicted?

WF, you should be ashamed of yourself -does your boss know you're doing this?

gf said...

when your'e not assuming what is not written and creating animosity where there is none, what are you doing to help correct the inequities you are so concerned about beside hiding behind blog postings? i didn't see you there on sunday.

where were you?

as a self appointed spokesman, why didn't you help us distribute fliers and ensure that more people were represented as toni did or does your concern end once you leave your keyboard?

as far as advocating eviction and driving section 8 residents out of their homes i would ask you to take a deep breath, slow your heartrate down so you can comprehend what is being written and find, if you can, any reference to those ideas in anything i've ever written.
you won't. readers have a responsibility too.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Five reason's why I showed up.

1.) I was invited by phone and email by Toni.

2.) I was invited by email from Katy Hogan.

3.) My girlfiend wanted to go and I had a sign already made up for the occasion.

4.) It didn't cost anything and I needed the exercize.

5.) I haven't visited the Howard Pod #37 yet.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Oops. It's Howard Pod # 75

Knightridge Overlook said...
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gf said...


it's very simple. same people, same headcount but different results. subsidized ownership replacing a portion of subsidized rental.

in fact,Mr. Ogle of Good News Partners has said that he intends to make that transition in the building he recently bought on Bosworth. i'm only suggesting that he and other similar property owners implement that plan in their larger buildings.

i'm sorry youv'e gotten your underwear in such a knot for nothing. have you ever considered practicing yoga? i understand it's very helpful in releiving stress.

gf said...


i almost forgot to ask again since you chose to ignore my question.

where were you on sunday?

Hugh said...

> ... the same folks whose residences the Howardwatchers blog is in favor of eliminating.

Do you think yourself clever, exaggerating your perceived opposition's positions? You act like you are the first person to discover he can try to agitate people using race. Do you imagine we haven't all heard this one before? I'm not sure if it is shame or self-knowledge that you lack, but you are embarrassing yourself and boring us with your completely uninteresting attempt to play the race card. You need to upgrade your rhetoric and no one here has the inclination to work with you on it.

dan2 said...

"i'm sorry youv'e gotten your underwear in such a knot for nothing. have you ever considered practicing yoga? i understand it's very helpful in releiving stress."

G.F.: Can you get through one response without making a personal attack? Granted, you and toni can't simply hit the delete button on comments over here...but when someone is arguing with you or toni they are not always sniffing glue or "insidious plants" working for the powers that be. They may have a differing opinion.

Keep it above the belt, kids.

Hugh said...

> ... but when someone is arguing with you ... they are not always ... "insidious plants" working for the powers that be.

yeah, except when they ARE plants working for the powers that be

Knightridge Overlook said...
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Toni said...

To quote a person - keep the context! Yet Craig gets accused of twisting the words? So do his readers/posters. Here's the verbatim vs what D2 misconstrued:

"It was probably a plant from the insidious little agitators who don’t have ‘the stones’ to either appear in person or to ask the question. "

Where do you read 'insidious plants'???? You don't.

So unless you're feeling guilty, this sentence should have flowed right into the next one without red flags jumping at you.

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