Friday, November 11, 2005

* Save the Lakefront Petition Drive

The Friday infomercials continue.

"Isn't this such a beautiful sight. A photo of Pratt Pier light tower as the sun rises on a fall morning from the beach. Want to keep this wonderful view"?

Save Our Lakefront has begun circulating petitions to put a lakefront protection referendum on the ballot for the 49th ward in March's primary election.

If you would like to help circulate petitions, I will be at Panini Panini Coffee House from 11am to 1:00pm tomorrow (Saturday) with petitions and precinct poll sheets. Join me for a cup of coffee and join the fight to help protect the lakefront! Anyone who can do canvassing in West Rogers Park is especially encouraged.

Anne Sullivan

1 comment:

Craig said...

But the problem area includes the 48th ward, too. Is there any way to extend the effort into your southern neighbor as well?

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