Sunday, November 27, 2005

* Special Service Area # 24 Scandal, Do-it-Yourself Snow Removal

What a way to start the winter shopping season. Nothing says the holiday's like the first snow fall. But look see, who's removing the snow. Is it a DevCorp North janitor? No. We have DevCorp North starting off the season on the wrong foot.

Other city agencies were out removing snow. Not DevCorp North. DevCorp North dropped the ball on the first snow fall. DevCorp North slipped..... or shall I say, a pedestrian is going to slip if someone doesn't remove the snow.

So, the Special Service Area taxpayer has to remove the snow himself.

It isn't the first time DevCorp North couldn't get the shovel out of the garage. Here is one example of someone who had to do-it-themselves.

See, they were caught again. Another Special Service Area taxpayer having to do-it-themselves.

I'm sure a few puppeteers from DevCorp North that will say ...."There's at least one-third of an inch of snow out there! Totally neglected by those DevCorp bastards! Call in the authorities! Outrageous!"

When DevCorp North brags that this is what DevCorp North does, and collects taxpayer money to do it, but doesn't.... I call that outrageous. I call this strike three, DevCorp North, you're out.


Jocelyn said...

I'm just glad SOME of the merchants on the street keep their sidewalk clean- and I wish they all would.

BTW anyone else think JB Albertos should pay for trash pickup? I can't count how many of their styrofoam containers I have picked up. I think they need to put a sign in there maybe on the door that says "Respect the Community/Neighborhood and Don't Litter".

Jocelyn said...

Jeff O - I believe Craig was just opening a discussion. I just don't see why some people insist on taking everything on this blog so literally. sheesh!

and if we are going to be that way and take everyything so serious- in reference to your comment:
"its funny you guys sound like old ladies! bitching about stuff that isnt important,"

I take offense to you slandering old women and making such a demeaning generalization about older women. I think it's ageism.

and finally, in our hood being a busy body is what you need to be to keep a watch and report all the crimonal activity around here. Someone's gotta do it.

Jocelyn said...

I like the idea of letting the punks fall- that gave me a laugh

Hugh said...

DevCorp North raised property taxes on Morse, Clark, and Glenwood claiming it was not to fund themselves, it was to do snow removal.

Craig, I'd wouldn't mind seeing a report after every snowfall, if like this one it is enough for a store employee to be out there shovelling. Thanks!

Jocelyn said...

jeff o
I really didn't think you were- I was just trying to illustrate over-reacting to things, which I guess this whole post now has a theme...

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