Tuesday, December 20, 2005

* Alderman Moore Pulls Blue Bag Publicity Stunt

Alderman Praises New York Trash by the Curb Program

Alderman Joe Moore, surrounded by caroling recycling advocates, announced his plan to introduce an order that would require the City of Chicago to phase in an improved recycling program in three years.

"“The City's Blue Bag recycling program has failed," stated Moore. '“It'’s time we implement a program that has a proven track record in cities like New York."

Ask Jeeves:
New York recycles only 18 percent of its municipal waste, Chicago 47 percent according to Earth Policy Institute.

1 comment:

dan2 said...

I think this is a good idea. Chicago needs to recycle more of its trash. It's going to save money in the long run when you think about the shortage of landfill space and the prohibitive cost of trucking garbage elsewhere.

Additionally, in a city of roughly 3 million people we really do need an effective recycling program.

I, for one, support this measure and hope it passes.

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