Sunday, February 26, 2006

* Gold Medal Performance in Racial Profiling?

Evanston resident (silver medal for this race) Shani Davis (left), gold medallist Enrico Fabris (center) of Italy and U.S. bronze medallist Chad Hedrick celebrate .
photo by (REUTERS/Grigory Dukor)
From News

North of the border Evanston resident Shani Davis, the Olympic speedskater who recently won a gold and silver medal has caused quite a stir.

First we all learn Shani had a internal feud with Chad Hedrick, a U.S.A. teammate from Texas. Now we are learning he has a feud with the 24th district police department. Seems Shani doesn't like it when the police search him like he was a criminal while walking down the street doing nothing. This happened in the 1600 block of West Howard back in 2001.

What's criminal is the way Shani dissed his United States teammates to win personal glory. But that's another story for another time.

So, Shani wins a couple of medals in speedskating and now is a hero. Then Shani becomes a villain for not competing in a team competition. Then Shani comes back to the United States and disses the Chicago Police Department. What a gold medal performance in ego-mania. Looking at the jersey you were wearing Shani, it says the U.S.A., not Shani Davis.

When he was just "black kid Shani Davis" walking down Howard Street, this story was nothing on the charts, no one cared or gived a damn. Now, I wonder how this case is going to unfold now that "Shani Davis, first black winter U.S.A. Olympic gold medalist " is crying racial profiling in Rogers Park?

Now that this has gone national... heck, international, if the price is right Shani, maybe Alderman Moore will hold City Council hearings on this matter? Alderman Moore has always eyed a gold medal for the mantle? Alderman Moore just doesn't have the knees to earn it.


Craig Gernhardt said...

Sandy Goldman has a thought on the olympic medal winners poor lip syncing ability of the national anthem and a ribbing of myself at That's my opinion.

Speeking of that's my opiniyon, Everyone wants to mock my spellling ability, some like Archie Gait even create websites for that purpose, and now Sandy Goldman is joinging the pack by spelling my name wrong.

Rul numbre one is, I don't care what you say about me, just spell my name right.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Paradise asked....>"Craig, would you like it if the police stopped you for no particular reason and searched you (illegally)while giving real criminals who are openly dealing the run of the street and the neighborhood? "

This happened to me in the winter of 2004. Officer Gennivie (sp,) 2431 CAPS beat officer, who knew me from over 24 CAPS meetings, detained me at the Morse CTA EL station, and ran a gang card on me. Asked me what gang I ran with, what gang tags I had... the third degree.

I did nothing wrong and wasn't arrested but Rogers Park Community Council gave him a award for his service 2005.

Toto said...

Toto sez: Three cheers for the young man. Let's treat him like an individual. I'm certain that's what he wants most. He has every right to make an ass of himself. Plenty of white folks make asses of themselves and no one holds them out as representatives of their race. Maybe he purely wants to be who he is. Maybe he doesn't want to have to carry the burden of representing his "race". And maybe some of the bad feelings between the teammates may be just normal sour grapes over loosing.

I hope Shani succeeds in his life and prospers well. That he moves past youthful anger. That he looks back at his Olympic peformance in years ahead with pride and satisfaction.

Does he have a price? Why do you ask? Do you ask that of the other white athletes? I hope he gets every nickle he can milk out of sponsors. Why should he be any different than any other athlete in his situation.

Craig, are you hitting cranky middle age? You sure sound like it.

Toto said...
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Christopher King said...

You want some police horror stories, read this story right here:

So I know where Shani is coming from:

Knightridge Overlook said...
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Blogger said...

I'm sure our middle eastern and asian neighbors(among others)will be very interested to learn that they don't actually live in Rogers Park...must be some parallel universe that just looks like Rogers Park...

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