Wednesday, March 15, 2006

* 49th Ward Supervisor Caught Doing Work

Caught, but not on Camera. No Exclusive Photos!

It happened so quick. It was aImost like spotting the Loch Ness Monster. Very few have actually seen it. I couldn't even pull out my camera in time. When it comes, it comes in a blink of an eye. Let me tell you what I saw.

First I noticed the gutter drain on the street was cleared of all the leaves in the 1300 block of West Lunt after the rain. Then, I noticed a man with a rake in his hand heading back to a white City of Chicago Streets and Sanitation 49th ward truck. I was thinking.... Could it be?.... Was it?.... It sure was. It was Mike Erickson, the 49th ward streets and sanitation supervisor guy. Not some flunky. This was Mike himself who had just removed the leaves that had accumulated over the sewer drain, allowing water to flow in if there was another rain. Quick thinking on Mikes part.

Did you get all that work Mike did? Let me slow down and tell you again. This is BIG.

Mike saw a multi-leaf clogged sewer drain on the street while he was driving around.

Mike parked the truck, (we'll let him slide for parking in front of the fire hydrant).

Mike got out and got the rake from the back of the truck.

Mike went over to the sewer drain in the 1300 block of west Lunt and moved the rake back and forth to move the leaves away from the waste water entry way.

Brilliant. Who would of thought to do such a thing? It reminds me of the one time my sister got off her lazy rump to take the dirty dishes from the dining room table to the kitchen to be washed. She never did that before. Mind you, she didn't wash the dishes when she put them in the kitchen, but at least she moved to the proper place and I didn't have to do it.

I didn't have a camera handy for that rare action either.

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