Wednesday, March 29, 2006

* Gobs of Blood on Sidewalk After Shooting

This just in. Shooting in Rogers Park.


Michael on Fargo Blog Report

Toni at 24/7 Howard-watcher Blog Report

Blognotes: Alderman Moore should be holding more self defense classes and less infomercials for his developer pals. Is Alderman Moore blind to crime? Has all his "crimes down" speeches actually brainwashed himself? Now it's happening on his very own street, maybe he will take notice of the gobs of blood lying on his sidewalk?


fedup dem said...

I'm afraid this is what happens in a community where its amoral leaders will do anything to stay in control.

Knightridge Overlook said...
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Craig Gernhardt said...

From SCC...> "Part of being a democrat means you have to be able to hold contradictory positions in your head and then pretend that everything you've said before supporting one position doesn't really mean anything."

Pamela said...

With spring breezes starting to blow (albeit slowly), RP again sees increased gang activity except that now the gangs are at war and get to operate with impunity as they learned when they got their big 'ol gang funeral last August and the police didn't stop them, the church didn't try to stop it, and the Alderman's office did zip. The one person who tried to intervene, our Police Commander, was shot down by "community" outrage and charges of racism when he tried to dismantle one of those altars to a fallen gang member.

At 5 p.m. today I took a stroll and here is what I saw: a young man standing on the SW corner of Ashland & Estes, looking around. Another young man, hood up, standing on the SE cprmer of Estes & Greenview. Maybe they were waiting for rides. But why did I have an uneasy sense that they were doing something else?

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