Tuesday, April 11, 2006

* Home Sweet Home

I'm back. Fourteen hour drive. Each way. Then once you get there you walk... and walk... and walk. Did I mention Oklahoma is vast. And the rocks, they were huge! No wonder the place is called Rock Creek.

My 15 year old nephew Patrick is now riding the Pro class and having to haul him around isn't necessary anymore. Other people do that now. Instead of going to the events and having to cater to him, fix his bike and generally do what he needs, now others do that. I got to go and be a fan this time. Well, as much of a fan you can be covering the event for a the number #1 viewed trials web-site. For the web geeks like Archie Gate, 200,000 hits a day, EVERY day, not too shabby.

Above is a 10 second clip for you to view. This is just one small section of the course Patrick is riding. The competitors ride over these rocks like a cabbie riding over the curb to get his next fare.

Anyhow, if anyone cares, or wants to see something real different, here are a couple of reports. Stuff you won't find anywhere else. Craig style.

I'll get back in the Rogers Park groove quick enough.

Saturday's summary

Sunday's summary

Weekend gossip.


Don Mac Gregor said...

By the way, how many megabytes was that clip you uploaded to You Tube?
Just wondering for further reference.

Don Mac Gregor said...

Or did you do some file compression with WinRar of PKUnzip before sending it to You Tube.

'Broken Heart' Past Blogs