Friday, May 19, 2006

* Like Magic

by Lois Laine

Abracadabra – it’s fixed……

Craig Gernhardt mentioned the highlights of the CAPS meeting Monday night, one was when Tom Westgard marched in and unceremoniously plunked a hunk of iron on the table. O’Neill’s expression was priceless – too bad no one had a camera out.


Tom came in, woke us all up from the drone fest, and announced the BROKEN MANHOLE COVER…the head table told him to call 311….911 Tom?

After the meeting, this picture was taken of the coverless manhole. That was Monday night.

So, the call couldn’t have gone to the city until Tuesday, I’ll confess I didn’t look Wednesday, but today…..

IT WAS FIXED!!! It got fixed so fast is that because:

Its normal?

Tom has pull in city hall?

CAPS has pull in City Hall?

We have excellent city employees?

It’s an alert and conscientious DevCorp employee?

It’s an election year?

You decide…..but to whomever was responsible congrats on fixing this hazard for any child in our community.


Hugh said...

Question: Can a computer with an internet connection be used to replace a broken manhole cover?

Answer: YES! A computer and an internet connection CAN be used to replace a broken manhole cover!

Turns out a computer with an internet connection is a powerful tool for effecting change in urban neighborhoods.

> Like Magic ... Abracadabra – it’s fixed……

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

-Arthur C. Clarke

Knightridge Overlook said...
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patrickfkelly said...

how nice that there's already a piece of garbage on the new storm drain cover.

Toto said...
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Toto said...

Top 10 reasons why Craig is stealing the sewer covers in Rogers Park...

10) Replacement steering wheels for alien vehicles very hard to come by on this planet.
9) Hopes to get a place on DePaul's track and field team & can't afford to buy his own discus.
8) Runs underground tunnel from Mexico, supplying cheap immigrant labor.
7) Believes street golf is the game of the future.
6) Someone must let us know where the black holes are.
5) Needs just a few more sewer covers to complete his set.
4) Hopes to find Spiderman down there so he can get his flannel pajamas back. (You know, the one's with the feet.)
3) Feels the need to free his fellow sewer rats.
2) Believes he can hold sewer covers hostage until all SSAs are disbanded.
1) Can't stand new designer colors like day glow orange. What next, lime green or pink?

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