By now nothing surprises me when we as a community have to deal with the Block building and (or) it's parking lot. This week is no different.
A couple of day's ago this lady with her child somehow rammed into the concrete wall and iron fence with her car. Her Honda took a beating, both airbags deployed. The wall and fence, both are fine thank you.
From one eye witness account, she just pressed the gas peddle and didn't take her foot off until she hit the wall.
Her account, her gas peddle stuck wide open. Yeah... It stuck all right, with her foot on the peddle.
911 was called. She was issued a citation for a suspended license from the eye witness viewing the ordeal. No ticket was issued for the stuck wide open gas peddle.
At the CAPS 2431 meeting Monday night, Sergeant Cooper challenged the 30 plus citizens in attendance to call 911 if the citizens witnessed any crime(s). The CAPS program claims we don't call 911 enough as we complain on the blogs or at the CAPS meetings.
According to the CAPS police crime report numbers which are staggering, too many of us (I included) are not bothering to call 911 when we see every crime we see. We (I included) must break the habit of thinking nothing will be solved by calling 911, why bother attitude. We (I included) must break the habit of thinking the police only arrive after everything is over, why bother attitude. Just because the security company DevCorp North hired last year claims the police officer response time in Rogers Park is 10 to 15 minutes doesn't mean this is true.
Last night the "other guy" took Sergeant Cooper up on her challenge and called 911 after multiple teens were harassing a female in front of the 1237-39-41-43 West Lunt property, better known as the Medina Slumhole. The "other guy" was happy with the response time adding, "Kudos to the officers who responded." Yet the "other guy" made no mention of any arrests. FYI, the "other guy" is the "same guy" who arrived to the CAPS 2431 meeting late, and left the CAPS 2431 meeting early on Monday night as noted by the "newest guy" yesterday.
Update, 7:20 a.m.:
Hello 911. I made a 911 call this morning too. At 6:26 a.m., two open air drug market salesman were working the south-east corner of Morse Avenue and Greenview. 911 got the 411. The open air drug salesman made another alleged sale while I watched from a distance, then the two alleged perps changed street corners before a squad car pulled up at 6:52 a.m. to question the observed open air drug salesman in front of the Fragrance Store. No photos were taken. No arrest were made.
At the same time period, 6:30 a.m. to 7 a.m., five (5) alleged drug market salesman were working inside the caged security vestibule at the 1340 West Morse Avenue property, better known as the Block building. With the activity being on private property, I didn't call 911.
First Confirmed gooning Farwell and Wolcott 6/20/2006 9~10 pm. 10 youths 9 black 1 white, 1 police report.
The White kid has been identified locally.
Ok a gooning is where my friend gets his ass kicked well technically they got in the first couple of surprise blows then he got in a couple of good licks before the coward gang fled.
First Confirmed gooning Farwell and Wolcott. 10 youths 9 black 1 white. 1 police report
The White kid has been identified.
Ok a gooning is where my friend gets his ass kicked well technically they got in the first couple of surprise blows then he got in a couple of good licks before the coward gang fled.
CAPS 2424 Beat meetings
2006 Beat Meeting Schedule:
June 22
July 27
Meetings are held at 7:00 PM
Pottawattomie Park Field House
6340 N. Rogers Ave.
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