Friday, June 23, 2006

* Comparing CAPS Beat Meetings

by Julie Segraves

What a difference between CAPS beat 2431 and 2424. We got presents at the beginning of the meeting in Beat 2424 and we got to be in a drawing....and - we get graphs of our crime, and....

....The people gave specific addresses, times, etc about each building they think has a problem tenant, told about the people that come and go, etc...

...Our sergeant had a list of all the contact cards associated with those addresses as well as all crimes.

It was quite informative. The police actually knew about the crimes and told us the body found near the dumpster on Greenleaf was a drug overdose.

They didn't really have a grasp on the problems where the gooning took place. It almost happened to another guy. The police who answered were there and the people were told more detail about what to do if they see the offenders. Though they know the one offender - the white kid. I don't know why the cops can't just get him there.....

Anyway, Dane said he'd start walking his dog over there and riding his bike. The others will talk to the commander about kids disrupting the baseball games by poling the players through the fence, uncalled for stuff, and kids shooting off fireworks which endangers everyone.

They have more manpower so they'll talk to the commander about strategies.

It was very informative....


proGun said...

Since they are likely all minors committing these crimes it presents a legal conundrum.
But we find answers and seek convictions.
Identifying the one known assailant requires some legalities be addressed and followed.

The initial attack was a kick to the leg from an attacker throwing the victim to the ground.
It was an unprovoked assault from behind (i.e.. no warning @9:15pm).
The victims head was stomped to the pavement by one attacker.
The victim came up swinging and connected.
Neighbors came out 911 called and goons fled.

It was a group approx. 10 couple of young females the rest males one white.

This group was on foot that night and has been spotted around the Wolcott and Farwell intersection prior to this attack.
Also they have been spotted at Pratt and Paulina among others.

Many neighbors spotted carrying bats and golf clubs on the evening family walks last night.
Go Sox Go Cubs

No fliers needed here. We all talk to one another and watch each others backs.

Hugh said...

> One of the neighbors in the co-op across the courtyard was gooned last month in front of the Eidelon around 9 pm. He still shows scars from his attack. I asked him if he reported the incident and he said yes.

GG, would you try something for us please? There is a link to Citizen I-Cam at the bottom of every page of the Morse Hell-hole. Will you please see if the crime involving your neighbor shows up? Thanks!

Hugh said...

Julie, thanks for the post on comparative CAPS! It can be an eye-opener to visit meetings from more than one nearby beat. It seems beat 2431 is a strange bird on many dimensions.

Hugh said...

Illinois State Board of Elections

Hugh said...

> I will need to get the exact date

Well, ok, but you can do a date range, and if you know the approximate address, seems like you should be able to find it.

proGun said...

Can we post pictures of convicted gooners here or does their minor status protect them?
Can we list the names and addresses of known gooning offenders or is that info not legal to disclose.
Mayberry went from goon level green to goon alert red-orange. MILFS armed with butchers knives, bats in strollers and golf clubs for every family outing.
What is your weapon of choice?

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