Friday, June 9, 2006

* One Tough Week

This has to be the hardest week of my life. Putting my father to rest. He looked so bad at the end, I wasn't sure I wanted to have a open casket. But that's what dad asked for. As you know by now, my dad wasn't my dad, he was the gay communities dad. On Wednesday morning I went to Drake and Sons to inspect the embalming job, I was amazed. Dad look like dad. We could indeed have a open coffin.

So many flower arrangement came, the room looked like a mafia funeral. If the funeral home didn't know better, they may have tipped off the FBI to investigate the situation.

At Thursday's funeral Alderman Tunney and William Greaves from the mayors office spoke, offering praise to my father, my extended family wasn't aware of my dad's numerous accomplishments were floored by what my dad meant to the city.

When it was my turn to speak, I was able to capture a exclusive photo of the entire congregation. To those who were there, don't worry, I'm not going to publish that photo, that's a personal keepsake. By the way, some of you have shocked looks on your faces!

On Thursday night I was able join the CAPS beat 2431/Ceasefire walk around the neighborhood, this to honor my dad by giving back my time to the city he so dearly loved. A bit later that evening beat facalitator Kevin O'Neil, Julie Seagraves and I had a beer at Dukes, again in honor of my dad. He loved his beer too. A couple of the flower arrangements are available for viewing at Dukes, one coming from the 49th ward Alderman's office.

I think I'm taking the weekend off and heading to Wisconsin for a motorcycle competition.

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