Sunday, July 9, 2006

* Power Breakfast - Updated, Everyone's Right

A day after the Sorich conviction, Alderman Moore is having a power breakfast with another powerful political figure at the Heartland Cafe as picked up by Mr. Paparazzi Press. (I know it's not Mayor Daley and President Bush eating birthday cake together, it's the best the Hell Hole can do.)

So, here is the weekend question to ponder. Knowing the feds are chomping at the bit to get to the mayors office and unseat a very popular Mayor.

Are these two....

a.) Discussing ways to overthrow the Mayor first?

b. Discussing ways just to save their own skin and stay in office as Alderman?

c.) Discussing ways to dupe the public into believing the ever changing Wilson Yards project is not going to look like the Gateway Mall debacle.

Bonus points by naming the other breakfast diner. With the clues b and c, it should be a "no-brainer", as Jeff-O would say. Triple bonus points on the correct answer, why the third person is yawning?

Blognotes: Check out the guy in the updated photograph. He's now listening in. A spy maybe?


Isaac Marshall said...

looks too young to be.....but I guess it is Helen Shiller.

CommonSense said...

Whoever it is, I'm guessing JoMo is discussing more bad economic policies he can stick to the taxpayers like TIFS and Living Wage Ordinances.

fedup dem said...

What other politicians would be willing to eat at that leftist den in political iniquity?

Curious said...

Please buy one of these for next time.

Hugh said...

> ... Helen Schiller (46th), the only truly independent Alderman in the 50 person city council.

There are NO "independent" aldermen on the City Council. Every month the Council meets and votes on thousands of zoning changes, sewer rebates, TIFs, SSAs, cash settlements, and subsidies to real estate developers. Every vote is unanimous.

Anonymous said...

It looks like Helen, but it's hard to tell because she isn't showing cleavage.

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