Reader Submitted E-Mail
Photo by: Mike
Dear Craig-
On Sunday JoMo held a picnic in the park. All his buddies disregarded parking rules and drove in the park and parked there cars instead of finding a spot legally on the street. Does JoMo think he is above the law? There were cars everywhere on the park grass. Is this JoMo's sad little joke warning us this is the future of RP. Our park is turning into a highway because of JoMo. How can we stop this from happening again Craig?
Signed, A Upset Park Lover
Dear Upset Park Lover,
I see you didn't send your problem issue to the other guy. I feel your pain. See, Aunt Jan and JoMo want to spend your taxpayer dollars to build Lake Shore Drive right near where those cars are parked in the photo. That's the real plan even though they won't tell you that.
You ask how can we stop this from happening again? It's simple, In November 2006, don't vote for Aunt Jan, and In 2007, vote JoMo out of office.
Thanks for reading,
Being that I live directly across from where JoMo held his "JoMo Fest 2006," there are a number of issues I had with the event. In no particular order:
1. The kids were out of control. I saw one kid run into, and knock down an elderly lady. Numerous kids were "cutting" in the various lines with disregard to others in the lines. If this event was for the kids, where were their parents and why couldn't the staff at hand controlled the kids?
2. The park was being used as a dumpster. There was trash all over the place. Why wasn't JoMo's staff asking people to pick up their trash?
3. JoMo used the event to shill for Todd Stroger. He claimed T. Stroger was the best candidate looking out for our needs. How can Stroger be a candidate when he wasn't on the ballot?
4. JoMo was giving out school supplies that he claims were paid for by campaign dollars. I seriously doubt this. I would like to have these freebies accounted for.
5. JoMo had the DJ playing booty music. I hardly think booty music was appropriate for a "back to school" fest. JoMo seemed to clearly be pandering.
6. Using the park as a parking lot was unacceptable.
I walked by and decided I wasn't interested in checking it out too closely. I wondered about the cars too.
I was there with someone from the Chicago Tribune who was not impressed at all. It's true, cars parked on the grass, (which my Trib friend noted) the kids had little or no supervision, the noise called music by some was geared to make the appearance of a progressive liberal. Ha, get out of the box!
We walked around the mess and left.
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