Monday, September 4, 2006

* Alderman Continues Cover-Up & Promotes Questionable Fund

"There were eight outstanding violations and these are general maintenance issues on the building," Alderman Moore said to the media. Once again defending his slumlord pal and frequent campaign contributor Jay Johnson on why there was no electricity and why there were no working smoke detectors in the Ramirez apartment building.

This time the Alderman interrupted the family press conference at the Howard Area Community Center - the official family fund headquarters. The Alderman came to grandstand for his own fund he set-up as a ruse to promote his re-election campaign. And the mainstream media is buying it by running the Alderman's information.

Sending money to that fund is like giving money to FEMA to distribute to Hurricane Katrina victims. You don't know where the money will end up.

The family clearly has ties to HACC, they've helped the family before. Plus, this is the families wishes as to where to donate money. They actually have hand-made signs out-side the deathtrap on Marshfield, indicating as such request.

My advice to the Alderman. Please, stop helping. You've helped enough already. Six children are dead.


Knightridge Overlook said...
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Ryne said...

To give money to any cause with joe moores name on it would be a foolish thing to do. What upsets people is that in a event where six children where killed theres joe's head popping up on the news covering up for his "contributors", when a drug bust happened morse joesead popped up again to take claim on cleaning up his ward. Joe can clean up the 49th ward by leaving! Go away joe!

Ryne said...

joe takes credit for things he he has not done anything for, such as the drug bust at the block building, this site has shown the problems for years yet joe gave it lip service, but now that the police busted the drug dealing & the blobk building has come into the rader to be cleaned up good old joe is there talking about it.Your right joe didn't make the situation happen in regards to the deadly fire, but he his covering up for his "friends" those who give money to him & in return he looks the other way at their slum buildings

mcl said...

Donations to "The Remirez Family Fund" can now be made directly to any LaSalle Bank location. The fund is being administered by the Howard Area Community Center. Donations may be made in person or by mail with checks made payable to "The Remirez Family Fund". The Gateway Centre Branch of LaSalle Bank is the repository of the Fund. If you have any questions , feel free to contact Mike at NHNA (773-465-2433) or the HACC (773-262-6622).

mcl said...

Sorry about the misspell, of course it's: RAMIREZ.

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