Monday, October 16, 2006

* CAPS Beat 2431 Meeting Tonight

Tonight @ 7 p.m., the CAPS beat 2431 meeting will take place at 1530 West Morse Avenue. Listen to endless, mind-numbing index and non-index crime stats which ends in the saying, "crime is down" so and so percent.

Talk about crime and bad buildings. Learn the difference between 311 and 911 when calling for help.


Ryne said...

Meeting tonight, Kevin O'Neil will stick his head out of joe m ass, and he will start talking about NOTHING!!

Then he will go back in joes ass where he belongs!!

Jim Witts said...


Post some pictures of Wausau. Rib Mountain must be full of color right now, or is it too late?

Craig Gernhardt said...

I want to welcome all Rogers Parkers who now live in Wisconsin. I hope my insights can make you fell like you are at home.

proGun said...

They look like deer stands to me any salt blocks around or is this another type of lookout. We saw something like this at a park in the neighborhood 7 or 8 years ago. Very bad people did very bad things in a tree house like this.

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