Friday, November 3, 2006

* Garbage Piles Up in Special Service Area #24

A great deal of readers who attended the Cobblers Mall redevelopment meeting seem to believe the propaganda our leaders of the ward feed them. We've got over a 100 comments on this subject, mostly in favor. I've been to so many of these meetings where the project presented - turned out nothing like the end result. That's why I'm not buying this plan just yet.

Take the Morse sreetscape meeting for example. Or the Special Service Area higher tax meetings (anyone of them). Or the Gateway Mall meetings. Or the Gale Fieldhouse meetings. Or the new fire station meeting. Or the Loyola TIF meetings. Or any CAPS meeting. Sorry, but anytime Alderman Moore approves of a project, I'm very skeptical what the motive was.

Just last year DevCorp North paraded out a private security company that was going to clean up Morse Avenue. Everyone including Pioneer News Star believed the propaganda. When it was all said and done, for three months the security team took notes on the crimes that were happening. They didn't make any arrests, they just took notes. And collected $25,000 in SSA taxpayer dollars. The public still hasn't seen the $25,000 report log.

Now that night of the Cobblers Mall meeting Dean Maragos kept telling us how wonderful and great the SSA is. SSA this, SSA that. He sounded like a SSA preacher. After asking a question, it turns out he's nothing more than a cheerleader for the Special Service Area tax, as a SSA tax spending manager himself (#16). Most everyone in the room ate it up (except me), at times the crowd clapped for the higher taxes disguised as three letters. (Who claps for higher taxes anyway?)

So, here is what you folks were clapping for. Here is an another example of how the Special Service Area #24 doesn't work in the above photograph. Here is an example of why all the Special Service Area is nothing more than a taxpayer boondoggle. People clapped for this.

I could put up endless links of the Special Service Area tax #19 and 24 janitors caught not working, caught peeing in the alley, caught hanging flyers for groups that had nothing to do with the Special Service Area. But I won't. I'll save you the extra clicks today.

What we have here in the above photograph is at least a months worth of garbage at the Morse Avenue EL stop.

Where's the supervision? Where's the accountability?

If you've been to the Special Service Area meetings, you know the main mission is to keep the area clean. Well, this isn't keeping the area clean. This is adding to the problem. When waste builds up this high, it's a breeding ground for rodents.

So, is the Special Service Area #24 really working? In this case, they are not. I'm sure their going to pass the blame off to the local businesses that own the dumpsters. That's their MO. But shouldn't they have spotted this weeks ago - and done this before the garbage got out of hand? After all, that's why they collect taxpayer dollars to do this chore.

And these are the people you trust when they speak? Like I said before, excuse me if I'm skeptical.


Hugh said...

> ... Dean Maragos ... a SSA tax spending manager himself (#16)

Thanks for noticing this, Craig. Good ears!

SA #16 is the Greek Town SSA. This SSA is highly unusual even by SSA standards in that the City collects the property taxes ialong Halsted and turns them over to a NATIONAL organization, the

United Hellenic American Congress (UHAC)

For every other of the 40-some SSAs in Chicago, the so-called "sole service provider" for an SSA is a LOCAL organization, usually a fake "chamber of commerce" like DevCorp North.

The "sole service providers" for the SSAs are under contract to deliver certain services for the public property tax money the Daley administration raised for them. These contracts and their disclosures are the taxpayer's main tools for accountablity for this program. But the Daley administration's SSA Czarina, Gina Caruso from the Dept. of Planning & Development, believes her fiefdom is exempt from her boss' disclosure requirements.

UHAC has two disclosures and none of their contracts on the City's web site:

Vendor, Contract and Payment Search

SSA #16 was established 7/31/96 (it is even older than RP's oldest SSA, #19 Howard St, established 10/28/97) so we should be seeing more than a decade of contracts & disclosures but we do not.

Even more unusual about this SSA is that the "sole service provider" in turn SUBCONTRACTS adminstration of the SSA. UHAC's SSA adminstrator is

Maragos, Dean
Maragos & Maragos
1 N LA Salle St Ste 2200
Chicago, IL 60602-3912
(312) 578-1012

To my knowledge this is the only case where the "sole service provider" takes the property tax money from the City but FARMS OUT the SSA (after taking a healthy cut, of course). This arrangment sort of begs the question why M & M was not designated the "sole service provider." Eventually this SSA starts smelling an awful lot like cash tossed to a secial interest group.

Dean Maragos, the attorney for the The Morse Theatre/Century Public House project team is a lawyer who is also an SSA manager. That's very strange.

Hugh said...

File this under small world.

James A Regas is a member of the Board of Directors of UHAC, according to their most recent disclosures.

Regas is an attorney with

Attorneys at Law
111 West Washington Street, Suite 1525
Chicago , IL 60602
Tel (312) 236-4400

Regas is also a Board member and Vice Chairman of Rogers Park's own Mutual Bank, on Western just south of Devon.

Mutual Bank Board of Directors

Regas, Mutual Bank, Illinois First Lady Patty B, and Tony Rezko have all been ine news together lately. maybe you noticed.

Governor's wife's deals questioned
She makes $113,700 through family friend with no-bid contract

By David Kidwell, Tribune staff reporter, October 27, 2006

Part of the scandal is that Patty earned commissions on real estate deals with Mutual bank while Mutual Bank had a regulatory issue before the state (they are trying to buy some out-of-state banks). Regas' firm is handling the legal work for the move.

CommonSense said...

Joe Moore is forgetting his constituent services. Trash isn't being picked up, the roads have pot holes . . . What does Joe Moore do?

Hugh said...

Maragos is on the ballot next Tuesday! I can't believe this didn't come up Wed nite. He is a zoning attorney running for Commissioner of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District

IVI-IPO Questionaire

He ran against Tunney for Alderman in the 44th in 2003.

Dean Maragos steps up to bat

As a zoning attorney he and his law firm have passed around a LOT of cash.

Citizens for Dean Maragos

Beneficiaries of Maragos' zoning dough include Aldermen

1 Flores
5 Hairston
7 Beavers
8 Stroger
9 Beale
10 Pope
12 Cardenas
13 Olivio
15 Thomas
18 Murphy
19 Rugai
21 Brookins
22 Munoz
23 Zalewski
25 Solis
26 Ocasio
27 Burnett
29 Carothers
30 Reboyras
32 Matlak
33 Mell
34 Austin
35 Colon
36 Banks
37 Mitts
38 Allen
39 Laurino
42 Natarus
44 Tunney
45 Levar
47 Schulter is a very special friend
48 Smith

The breadth of these Aldemanic contributions is impressive. I've not seen anything like it. Maragos is the Chicago City Council's BIGGEST FAN!

Other pals include Daley, Mike & Lisa M, Quigey, Claypool, Devine, Pappas, Blago, Hynes, Laski, Vallas

Maragos is one hooked-up & connected guy. Whatever approvals this deal needs, it's pretty much in the bag, gang.

Hugh said...

No point in picking on Craig. Don't worry, there's nothing he can do to stop this project. With Maragos' pattern of giving, I doubt Moore could stop this-un.

Andy & his behind-the-scenes pards played the game smooth, they hired the right lawyer, you can do that when you have the do-re-me.

If anyone came out of last Wed nite's meeting thinking, they want our opinion, well, god bless you. Craig was right in his prev post, this was an info-mercial. So let's all look forward to the grand opening. Bring Patricia Barber and Kurt Elling up to 6800 N when they have off nights from the Mill.

Hugh said...

Know Your Zoning Attorneys

Maragos is the son of a former Illinois state senator from the south side and suburban Thorton township.


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