Thursday, December 7, 2006

* Say No to Coe

From the Alderman's political e-mail blast.

Developer Requests Zoning Relief - Community Input Wanted

A meeting is going to be held to discuss a proposal to re-develop the lots at 1523-35 W. Howard.

The meeting will be Monday, December 11, 2006, at 7:00 P.M. at the Gale Community Academy, 1609 West Jonquil Terrace.

The developer Robert Coe, his attorney John Pikarski and his architect Laszlo Simovic will present a proposal to build a five-story mixed-use building containing commercial space and 28 dwelling units.

The combined lots are zoned B3-3, with a total of 15,011 square feet. The proposed building requires a variance for unobstructed open space since it is a through lot, which is a lot that goes through from one street to another street.

Blognotes: Until Mr. Coe does something with his hole in the ground at Morse Avenue, he shouldn't be given any special favors from the community or the Alderman's office.


Jim Witts said...

I agree, I don't think anything should be considered for him until actual construction starts on Morse.

Abe said...

Given that it is an election year, I believe that if a large enough stink is raised at the meeting, the developer will be denied his variance . . . until after the election. If people raise their voices, and then Alderman Moore grants the variance (let's be honest, all wards are aldermanic fiefdoms), it will be fodder for his opponents.

"Joe Moore doesn't care about improving the community. Joe Moore doesn't care about your safety. . Joe Moore doesn't care about you. It's time to start anew, and actually start working toward the goals that Joe Moore said he was concerned about 12 years ago, but hasn't seemed to find the time to achieve."

I mean, try it yourself; it would be like shooting fish in a barrel.

Abe said...

One quick question, too.

Why is this community meeting posted on Moore's website, while others - going back at least one year - have not? Is Moore trying look official and responsible a few months before the election? He is obviously banking on people's long-term memory loss . . . and he may have a winning proposition there.

rogerspark60645 said...

I saw 3 workers out looking at the hole (on Morse) this morning on my way to work, but all they seemed to be doing was looking at it.

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