Sunday, March 11, 2007

* Upset With Alderman Moore

One blogger has had it with Alderman Moore. Here are a couple of sentences from the new guy on the block of Fargo.

"I recently moved in Rogers Park, and since doing this, I have become upset and annoyed with how the community leaders act. Joe Moore for one...

... Joe Moore doesn't want us in Rogers Park, he wants to mind dumb, middle class and upper class to come in buy these cookie cutter condos."

Full unfiltered content here. Comments encouraged!


fatoldbroad said...

Joe Moore doesn't really care who moves to Rogers Park since he wants to move to Washington DC, except he can't do that unless he gets re-elected, Obama gets elected president, Shakowski replaces Obama as senator and a whole lot of people get conned into voting for Moore for congress IL 9th district - does anyone really believe that perfect storm is gonna happen? Vote Gordon!

Anonymous said...

Redwing, in your fifth paragraph you begin to lose your better command of the English language and begin to refer to “idiots”. Quoting your own work, “If your an idiot, steal, break the law, or hurt others, your a criminal and not welcome in the community.

We’ll I agree with you as far at the criminals are concerned, but as or the idiots, let’s see… An idiot is defined as 1) someone that is mentally challenged, as in the medical term retarded or 2) a very foolish or stupid person.

So, it seems to me that if it were up to you, you would criminalize the mentally challenged (something Hitler did some 60 odd years ago) and the stupid would not be welcome in Rogers Park. You claim to be open minded, that you accept folks of any color or religion. But apparently you are not accepting of people with lower than average mental ability. You would have Rogers Park be an island of only Mensa members ?

Redwing, I postulate that you are an elitist and not one of open mindedness. As for myself NOT being a recent resident of Rogers Park, but rather a life long resident of the City of Big shoulders, I suggest to you that you may find a demographic more of your liking in Lincoln Park or the Gold Coast where the other elitists live, or perhaps in Hyde Park near the UofC where the really smart people are. Better yet, try Bearkly, or maybe just crawl back into your Detroit Hell Hole.

Anonymous said...

Jan Shakattack in the Senate, now that's scarry !

SouthEvanstonian said...

ChicagoRedWing2b, I have neither seen nor heard of a major crime committed by a white, Hispanic, or "other" person that was omitted from mainstream media sources. The implicit charge of selective reporting based on race is a major accusation, one that I think is off-base.

I am also tired of people setting up "dumb, middle class and upper class" people (good grammar, by the way) as straw men to bash. If you are so eager to get the criminal element out of your community, you should welcome exactly such people, since they are usually instrumental in pushing for better neighborhood standards.

Anonymous said...

RPCommentator, I agreed that my grammer got a little messed up during that part of my post. But I do not agree with you about being an elitist. Taking things out of context is something that happens very easily when we read written words. I do not fault anyone as I understand we all have our opinions on what we are reading. I used the word idiot to broadly in my post, that is easy to see. The idea that i would hate or push away retarded, or less intelligent people from our community is not true. I will not apologize or take back what I said because I stated that it was opinion, and not to take what I said out of context. Today in the political game we are watching, how many times have we watched as a polititian made a statement and the media and people got upset and he/her had to apologize for it, and take it back, saying it was out of context? Frankly in my opinion, this is idiotic. Why are we attacked for our words, and opinions? I made that statement of idiot for a reason. Anyone that comits a crime, breaks the law, steals, or cheats, is in my opinion an idiot, and in my opinion, these idiots are not welcome in Rogers Park. I do not attack you at all, you stated your opinion on what you read from my words, you have ever right to do so in this country. In the heat of writting the only thing I should have done differently was moved the word idiot from the start of the sentence to the end. Maybe then it would not have been such threatening statement. But the statemetn says the same thing either way so it is correct.
South I just wanted to say this, you are correct. All crimes do gt reported by mainstream media. But what I am talking about and again this is my opinion here, is that when you read the papers, watch the news, count the number of stories that they print, or report on at the start of the news and count how many are non-black. This does not work 100% of the time, nothing ever does, but trust me, it will stand out once you are watching for it. News media report the hotter stories or more controversial stories first. Now again this is my opinion, so I could be just thinking this is what I am noticing, but try this and let me know what you think and what you notice. Maybe I am right maybe I am wrong.

SouthEvanstonian said...

Chicagoredwing2b, I understand your concern about race and media reporting. I am very sensitive to it myself, although after this conversation I will pay extra attention to the issue.

Sometimes the news reports state the race of suspected or accused perpetrators, sometimes they do not. I do not know what motivates the omission; to tell the truth, I sometimes wonder if it is because they specifically do NOT want to perpetuate racist ideas of criminal minorities.

On the other hand, it is possible that reporting reflects reality, and certain groups are more likely to commit crimes that attract media attention (such as violent crimes or robberies). I hate that and hope it's not true, but it's worth considering.

Anonymous said...

Newbie redwing;
Perhaps you need to be a-little more careful about what you write down. That way what you write down won't be so easily taken out of context. By the way, I do agree with you on principal, I just don’t care for your tack (or lack of). Play nice and others will play nice with you.

PS - you used the word idiot “too carelessly”. Not "to broadly”. And try spell check.

Anonymous said...

RPCommentator, I apreciate your thoughts, but I would like to ask one thing of you if I may. Please drop the Newbie in front of my name when you post concerning me. I am a very big video gamer and that term has always been a negative term used to reference someone as not just new, but also as annoying and stupid. That is of course my opinion of the term but it would be only fair to both play nice here.

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