Wednesday, April 18, 2007

* Precinct 6 Worker Responds

Nathan Moore said... "Well Craig, in a way you did lose this election for Don. You see, one day this summer I came across the old hell hole while surfing the web in my Dad's office. I instantly became hooked becasue I wanted to know what the oppostition was saying about my father. Well needless to say, after half a year of hearing some of the most cowardly low blows I have ever heard said about my father, I decided that I needed to stand up for him and the people of Rogers Park. Without you Craig, I truly don't know how passionetly involved I would have been in this campaign.

That being said, it is not all your fault that Don lost this race. The man was stupid enough to take $60,000 from a guy who donated to Bush, Cheney, and the Swift Boat adds. I guess one thing Don hasn't picked up on in his 25 years here is that although Rogers Park is economically and racially diverse, it is certainly not politically diverse. In the words of your good friend Tom Westgard, "Whisper this in Don Gordon's ear: 'We're all Democrats, Don. Over 90% of us. Dem-O-Crats".

BLOGNOTES: Sorry, no Nathan bashing. Keep it clean or I'll ban you. And Nathan, I'll say to your father's face what I print here. Don't believe me? Ask him.


The North Coast said...

And I am whispering in Tom's ear, and Joe's, and those of his followers, we are all Democrats but we are not all, or even mostly,

Criminal-coddling, socialist Limousine Lefties walking around spouting warmed over 60s-leftist platitudes, while taking money from convicted arsonists and kissing up to super-rich entertainment celebrities and trustfund babies.

anonymous said...

No one lost the election for Don. He never had a chance, if you compare the numbers from the February election to the numbers now, they make sense. Joe had the advantage. However, the precinct with the higest number of votes for Joe percentagewise was the one targeted by the ACORN flyer that revealed the exact words of Don supporter Paradise, so Paradise did the most damage, her supporters and Blog Hosts should have not defended the comments, though, they were very hurtful and intolerant of Mexicans who are deeply Catholic and welcome life, are successfully raising large families with integrity and culture and ethic that respects hard work.

Craig's comments had zero influence, however, the two precincts on the "Morsehellhole" went heavy for Moore.

So long suckers!

LakefrontLarry said...

You are so hung up on the whole deomcrat republican thing. How about voting for the most qualified or the one who will turn all of your worries and woes around? What you've accomplished is getting JM re-elected and now it's back to the same old same old. What good did that do? At least now we can go back to talking about the same old crap you were harping about before all of the fun election stuff, cause guess what, it will go on forever as long as he's here.

Isaac Marshall said...

to nathan moore and thomas westgard:

if this ward is 90 percent democratic, then how did tony peraica get so many votes? he didn't get only 10%.

your father is a clown nathan. did you see his act on chicago tonight? are you proud to be a part of his absurd campaign tactics? are you aware of some of your fathers donors?

probably not nathan, but 50% of the ward were fooled.

CNB said...

North Coast:
Beautifully stated.

Catherine on Eastlake said...

Lakefrontlarry... about time someone spoke the obvious.
unfortunately so many worry about towing their party line... they cannot possibly fathom what you say.

who cares what color tie a politician wears if he represents his constituents correctly and is excellent at his job?

Ralph Nader - “The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.”

Anonymous said...

We got accused of the same thing here in the 46th ward, Craig.

It's all bullshit meant to keep you intimidated less apt to speak out.

We've said it before, but we'll say it again. If aldermen did a good job and worked to keep the communities they are supposed to serve safe, clean, and attractive for businesses (and the jobs that come with them), they wouldn't have to worry about spending hundreds of thousands of dollars in order to win by a couple hundred votes, and they wouldn't have to bother with bloggers nipping at their heels every day.

Blaming you for their own tough, win-by-a-nose campaign is assinine, and just further shows how out of touch they are.

anonymous said...

If what the helen is repying to my comment and calling the blame put on Paradise assinine, thanks for calling attention to your self. Where do you people come from?

We lefties aren't riding in Limosines either, or the SUVs the Gordon goon squad was revving around the precincts either, we're street folks getting pretty indignant now, kicking your asses last time i checked, about outnumbering you and about to move for decent hardworking labor that still rules this town and Heaven help us! The ugly head is a rearin' fo sure. You snaggle toothed weasles....

Abe said...

Damn Vanessa,

You are a real piece of work.

Anonymous said...

Joe Moore's lack of concern for the people in low income housing will be his undoing. Not because these people will stand up for themselves (because Joe will continue to scare them into thinking they will loose their homes) but because he will have removed so many of them from the voter rolls and replaced them with condo owners who he can't scare. Look at how the voting breaks down rental areas vs. condo areas. Joe is choking off his supply of votes.

Don't even start with the Don doesn't like section 8 garbage, Don Gordon never allowed a single condo conversion. How many have happened on Moore's watch?

If Moore and his "We Love Low Income Housing Patrol" actually cared about the people and not their votes, maybe they would do something positive to stem the tide of conversions. Perhaps starting an organization of concerned citizens that purchases Section 8/Low Income Rental buildings when they go on the market before the developers get them and keeping them rental.

Maybe even thinking it through and buying buildings that are spread out so that we don't get pockets of blight, so everyone can live in a diverse area, because based on a street by street analysis we are not diverse, just take a drive, look at the faces.

This will never happen because there is no way that these people (Moore and Co.) want to be personally responsible for the health and welfare of the citizens of Rogers Park. It's so much easier to scare them. If any one else is interested, let me know.

Kheris said...

@ vanessab773:

JoMo won a squeaker after he spent a lot of money on advertising, got caught red-handed electioneering in early polling locations, and deliberately mis-represented Don's views (which is usually par for the course when desperate for votes in Chicago). A victory by 247 votes is a victory but hardly demonstrates that Joe had an advantage. It is obvious he is vulnerable, and past elections have shown that his margins of victory are steadily shrinking. He has to deliver in these next 4 years or he will find himself out of a job the next election.

I seriously doubt Paradise/North Coast influenced the outcome, and neither did Craig.

And while I have your attention; can the attitude. Comments like these:

So long suckers!


You snaggle toothed weasles....

do nothing to advance the conversation to where it really needs to be; how to help RP be the best place it can. Suggesting that

we're street folks getting pretty indignant now, kicking your asses last time i checked, about outnumbering you and about to move for decent hardworking labor

comes off as more of the divisiveness that marked this campaign. It's unnecessary and unhelpful. And just so you understand me clearly, most of the folks I have met here in the past year are decent and hardworking, although they might not consider themselves street folks.

Everyone who lives here has a vested interest in the community's wellbeing, whether they know it or not. We all benefit when we all contribute to the best of our ability. Your comments suggest to me that you would be happy if some of us left, and I'd be interested in just who that might be.

The North Coast said...

Vannessa, if you could read and reason properly, instead of just emote, you would see that there was nothing in what I said that could be construed as a jab at Mexicans or any other racial group.

As for their being Catholic....well, sorry,but you are responsible for the consequences of your own irrational belief system and obeisance to traditional, patriarchal religions that have proved for thousands of years that they do not give a damn if their flocks starve. They want all you believers to sit out here and dutifully make babies to work in slave-wage jobs and die in our leaders' military misadventures and empire-building. If you care more about obeying the Pope in Rome than you do for the welfare of your own children, what can I do?

Lynn Kelly said...

Hi Craig, it's Lynn. I worked for Joe Moore in Precinct 26 (Morningside Court). You and I had a good "Fair and Square" election yesterday. Remember, we looked each other dead in the eye and shook on it. We both looked out for the integrity of the precincts we pollwatched. I beat you 161 to 78 in the 26th.
I have personally registered well over 3000 voters in my 22 years of fighting the good fight we discussed. You documented the harassment of the pollwatcher in the 26th. You and I discussed the our shared respect and love of the law and the spirit of our political system and why it was important to make sure it was "Fair and Square”. Did we both fail in our mission? Now you are claiming that there was vote fraud and shenanigans throughout the ward. Would you be so concerned about such shenanigans if Gordon had won, or is that distorting your view? How can you now declare vote fraud when we both oversaw the proceedings with the same diligence? Explain yourself.

Toto said...

Chris M. Got your check book ready? Buying apartment buildings ain't cheap. Come on, I'd like to see all those die heart affordable housing folks line up first with their checkbooks. And no whining about your property taxes going up. This is what you want. Oh and make sure that the buildings are all spread out. You probably don't want one too closeto you, do you?

What laws exist currently that would take the rights away from a property owner who wishes to sell his property in the free and open market? The city doesn't want to pay fair market value for these buildings. Are they supposed to use eminent domain? Hey, how about property grabs for everyone. You in that single family home, surrounded by other single family homes can pine away for affordable housing in this diverse ward. But, please, don't put it next to Chris M. Perhaps we need a whole set of animal farm rules. (Some pigs are more equal than others...) People like Chris live in some ONEderful dream world. If Don Gordon had won, he could not have stopped the condo conversion trend. Joe can't do it and neither can Don.

Make a Section 8 building, pockets full of winos. Four and twenty ounces, malt liqour's finest. When the windows open you can hear the dreadful beat, of the foul mouth rappers and all the hate they spew.

Oh and once you grew up and realized Don Gordon could not prevent condo conversions, you'd probably grind his butt into the ground too.

RPnayboor said...

Note to chris m.: Alderman Moore did not "allow" any condo conversions. An alderman has no control over what a private property owner can do with his building. As long as the conversion is done legally and with proper notice to tenants, no one can stop it.

So, if Don Gordon were elected alderman, who would have no power either to stop the conversions.

It's the free market working at its finest!

However, your suggestion about citizens buying a building is a good one. But even still, that building WILL go condo. And right now, the federal and state money to help fund those purchases has pretty dried up. So good luck with that.

Whatsamaddayou said...

What a bunch of sore losers. Gordon's people did their best to intimidate people out of their right to vote by falsely claiming that they needed to present 2 pieces of id to get a ballot. How many people walked away, never bothering to return?

How much time would be spent by Gordon people whining about "shenanigans" if Gordon got the votes he needed to win?

So go ahead and drag this out as you carry your cross through the recount process. It'll provide more material for you and Craig to whine about. Who could blame Don for stretching out his 15 minutes for as long as possible?

And Harrington will finally get the chance to bask in the attention as people wait with bated breath wondering what his next move will be?

Get over yourselves and move on with your lives.

The North Coast said...

If JoMo wanted to truly help the poor and near-poor, two categories that have from time to time included me, he would do the following:

Fight all property tax hikes instead of voting himself a raise, for starters. Tax hikes not only drive poor and near-poor people from the homes they struggled to buy with their own money, but have driven rents out the roof, to the point where anyone who makes less than $10 an hour is effectively priced out of decent housing in Chicago or the rest of Cook County.

And speak not to me of subsidized housing programs for the poor. They don't help low-wage people at all, whose only hope is to win the housing lottery by being lucky enough to score an overpriced studio in a "rent stabilized" apt.

And how come Edgewater has so much more of the good "rent stabilized" apts. than RP does?

The second thing JoMo could do to help people below the economic waterline is fight for a rollback in utility rates. Yet, never in any of Vanessa's rantings do I hear a plea for lower utility rates. Our electric rates are just about the highest in the country, which is murdering poor people who are stuck with inefficient heaters instead of good furnaces. What has Moore done to move the city to demand a rollback in the rates, or to link up to a cheaper utility?

Lastly, Moore voted to increase the heating gas tax, which is brutal for people with leaky old houses and apts, and old furnaces that burn at a 15% efficiency rate,, or worse, are using their stoves for heat because they don't have a working furnace. Such situations are the rule rather than the exception on the extremely impoverished South Side, yet I have not heard the Mooron open his mouth to protest this vicious tax. After all, the money to pay for the aldermanic salary increase has to come from somewhere, doesn't it?

What the Mooron HAS done is rubberstamp all but one of Da Mare's corporate welfare programs (Loyola TIF, the Block 37 superstation, ad naseuam), and every tax increase proposed.

If middle-income people are staggering under the load, what can possibly be happening to our poor? Expect the poor to get poorer, and for more formerly middling people to join their ranks soon, as our taxes and utilities continue to escalate and our services are reduced, with the acquiscence and inaction of our AlderCretin Moore.

Isaac Marshall said...


aren't you a hypocrite. you act as though you above this fray by posting like a 5 year old who won a game of kickball.

get over yourself and quit posting if you are so smart.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Hi Lynn, I said nothing about our precinct. These are coming from other precincts.

Yes, I got killed by Morningside Court. I was out-numbered in helpers 8 to 1. Not to mention the SEIU and 100 russian seniors inside the senior home.

I take my whooping, Joesph (SEIU) and yourself had a great day in 26. Great job. I gotta learn to speak russian in the next three years.

Jocelyn said...

Vanessa is a scared child afraid she is going to be forced out of her neighborhood so she lashes out at everyone she sees as a threat not realizing that these are caring neighbors that she has now alienated.

She's no intellectual either- she said so herself on her own blog. Right Vanessa? And she's certainly not a nice person from what I've read of her comments.

Anonymous said...

toto and rpnayboor-

Obviously Joe Moore wasn't responsible for the loss of affordable housing, it comes down to what the market wants. However, Joe lied to scare people who live in affordable housing into believing that Don would get rid of them. He couldn't possibly "get rid" of anyone who lives in the ward. It's nice that Joe's supporters finally admit to this. As I have said before, blaming Joe or Don had he won for the condo conversions is like blaming or crediting the President of the US for current economic conditions.

blog_lurker said...

A pro-Moore blogger has written that Joe Moore has learned a lesson from this election and will work to improve his job performance. I certainly hope so although I am not optimistic.

I can't help but wondering how accurately the comments I've seen posted by Moore's family, staff and supporters reflect his thinking. If all you knew of the election is what they have to say you'd think that Moore bravely led the residents of the 49th Ward into battle against a handful of evil renegade Republicans and there out of ward financiers. If this is the case then please explain to me how the ostensibly Republican Don Gordon managed to get the support of nearly 50% of the electorate in a ward which is 90% Democrat. If this is truly how Joe Moore thinks then he is even more out of touch with the ward than I would accuse him of being in my darkest moments.

The overwhelming majority of Gordon voters that I know are like myself, Democrat voting liberals who have grown dissatisfied with Moore's job performance and saw a better alternative. Some of us have voted for Moore in the past.

Joe Moore had some fun hanging around with has been television personalities while dismissing his critics as nothing more than a handful of hot headed bloggers and it nearly cost him his job. An inexperienced, uncharismatic citizen with a severe financial disadvantage and without the power of incumbency nearly walked away with it.

Anonymous said...

Also, I was saying the Joe (acting as a citizen) could get with a group of people, myself included and purchase a building, it would not be connected to the government in any direct way.

If we owned the building we could keep it as low income rental. The reason why I suggested this in the first place is because other communities have low income housing that doesn't suck. The people who own the housing here in RP don't care about our community so we need to take the situation into our own hands. Like I asked at the end of my post, I am willing to put my money where my mouth is; I wanted to know who else would.

Toto, you certainly haven't read my other posts, and don't know who I am. I am going to chalk up your painting me as a racist to exuberance due to Joe Moore's victory. An apology would be nice, but not necessary.

I haven't ground Joe's butt into the ground, but I do think we need to keep him honest about his promises during the campaign. Again, if you had read my previous post, I wanted everyone to get together tonight at Duke's regardless of the outcome. Holding our elected representatives to their word is just one of our civic duties.

Lynn Kelly said...

Thank you Craig. I did study Russian in college. (XOrahshoa) for a job well done to you.
I was referring to the shenananigans at the 29th precinct. I got banned for trying to tell a judge she could use a land line phone. I took it in stride. I chalked it up to insufficient Judge training. The judges were taking the manual and throwing at every body. Even the BOE said the judges were by the book. Don won that one 134 to 87. Don had pollwatchers at every polling place and every incident was addressed as it happened. Are we not all looking for equal access?

anonymous said...

Yeah, I lost my temper. Its the Paradise comments. Its not blame, its a red cape and CHARGE, I tell ya' Labor just swept this town into the pan. Somebody else thinks they are hard working? One big burly bristling Union is about to demonstrate some hard work.

Dr O said...

Damn...I wish I knew that that senior home was for Mooore. I would have sent my wife and sister-in-law over there. They are from Ukraine and could have swayed votes! :(

Lynn...I worked in the 28th where there was PLENTY of hanky-panky going on. So there may have been areas that went smoothly, but that is not true of all areas. If Moore be it, BUT he should win fairly (I know it's too late to speak of him winning ethically). If there is the possibility of bad votes ALL citizens shoudl be screaming at the BOE for a recount. HOW DARE ANYONE try to steal that which should be most sacred to the citizens of this ward, city, state and country! And NO ONE (neither Moore OR Gordon) is above that!

fedup dem said...

Oh Nathan, you whine about Gordon's top contributor in a manner that implies that ANY candidate to have received campaign donations from him is some sort of right-wing fascist. I'm sure Barack Obama will appreciate being described a fascist by you, and I'm sure your neighbors will love you even more for slandering our junior Senator in this manner.

As for Alderslime Moore, it is clear that there has been ample amounts of election funny business, clearly enough to keep investigative officials on his trail for some time to come. Moore had beeter have an ample cash reserve, or the ability to go back to his slumlord pals again for more money; he will need it in due time for a defense fund. I predict that in due time, Moore will go thru all that money in vain, as he gets sent packing to Oxford, Wisconsin or some other lovely site in the federal prison system.

fedup dem said...

Oh, one more thing Nathan:

When you see Lying Joe, ask him if his if his true goal in life is to become the next Ben Lewis on the City Council. He keeps pissing off enough people and he might yet acheive that dubious goal (not that I want to see that happen, as I hate seeing scumbags being turned into martyrs).

Hillari said...
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DorothyParker007 said...
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Craig Gernhardt said...

At first, I took the comment Tomboy Boxer made as a joke, and I'm sure it was meant that way. But Dorothy got all bent out of shape and I removed it.

Joe is aware Nathan is commenting - and has warned him to expect some harsh criticism.

I'm going to do my best to make sure we keep it above the belt, but if he does say something that isn't right, we'll call him on it.

Hillari said...

No, I actually am childfree and what I said about Moore's son was not meant to be funny. I feel that his son should let the adults deal with whatever his father will present to the ward next.

DorothyParker007 said...

Thanks Craig, fair is fair. Be good and buy Google stock its going up, up, up and can fund the 2011 elections.

DorothyParker007 said...

Dear Boxing you said "what I said about Moore's son was not meant to be funny.

What are you ranting about anyhow? His sons are underage and because you don't have a decent argument so you go after the weakest link. Didn't I read here that all comments should be above the belt. You should be banned, but apparently your comments are approved, gosh how about if this was said the same about DoGo, outrage would pour through this blog.

The North Coast said...

Vannessa has no reply to my comment concerning the increasing load of taxes and utilities, and their devastating effect on the poor.

But of course, Vannessab773 is a member of the Christian Right, a species not notable for its concern with the poor and marginalized.

Vannessab773 clearly believes that the function of the economically marginal is to provide babies who will be tomorrow's slave labor and cannonfodder.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Let's end this now. Comments turned off for this subject.

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