Thursday, May 31, 2007

* Demographic Dashboard

Boxing Tomboy asked for a break-down of the demographics in Rogers Park. Just enter the 60626 zip and you'll be able to view a wide variety of stats. Age breakdown, ethnic make-up, renters vs. owners and how many live in each household. Plus much, much more.


I live here too said...

Very interesting, thanks for the link Craig. Did you notice when the data was from? I am thinking it's from the 2000 census. In particular, I find the ratio of owner occupied household vs. rental to be of interest.
4408 owner occupied units to 19738 rental housing units. As this data is most likely 7-ish years old it would be interesting to see the current housing data. I just tried to find the link to that recent rental housing study in the blog archives, but couldn't seem to track it down. Anybody know where to find that report about condo conversions that was released in the past couple of months? Found it, here's the link; Even this report has no data past 2004. Looks like the next census will be the earliest we will get good data on the ratio of rental to owner housing.

Anonymous said...

This dashboard is a nice little application even if the data are a bit out of date.

For the purposes of the grant application boxing tomboy's church is working on I would think that data from the 2000 census are sufficient, as long as you footnote it as such. It doesn't seem reasonable to expect that a small community organization looking for a grant would commission a custom demographics study simply to satisfy a question on a grant application.

The 2000 census is the latest census data available, which is why I suggested boxing tomboy compare it to the research in Lakeside CDC's 10/2006 housing audit a couple of posts back for information on certain housing trends. The full study can be found at

(Sorry, you'll have to copy and paste it into your browser)

Hillari said...

Thanks, Craig!

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