Maybe that's why so many people trust the 'Broken Heart' for their neighborhood news coverage. Blogger over-reaction to the 'Morse Avenue, Wonder-Woman/Mural-Gate' questions could've been easily averted, had anyone of the bloggers cared to look at the DevCorp North Journal - Summer 2007 version. On page 7, most, but not all the questions were answered.
The artist on the project according to DevCorp North, is the same artist that did the 'Cocoa-bean Faces Mural'. Damon Lamar Reed (archived photograph by 'The 'Broken Heart') was selected by the Chicago Public Art Group, along with CTA chairwoman Carol Brown's chief of staff and Carl Lingenfelter. DevCorp North claims this is a local artist.
Yes, DevCorp North and Joe Moore knew about this project. Yes the Special Service Area #24 commissioners and Glenwood Avenue Arts District knew about this project. It's called the Commercial Corridor Revitalization Plan - Miles of Murals.
But the local residents, the local shopkeepers and those who aren't well connected, they didn't have a clue. Although, in the summer journal, DevCorp North claims they were.
Nor did DevCorp North post this information prior to publishing it in their own poorly circulated summer propaganda journal, which obviously no one reads.
Nor was any price tag put on this boondoggle. Although, the information was listed under the Special Service Area Tax #24 section of the journal.
A official ribbon cutting for the 'Morse Avenue/Wonder-Woman, Muralgate is expected on July 21st. No word if Kimberly Bares can keep her tongue in her mouth long enough to do the ribbon cutting?
A Mural history lesson.
If you remember, the Cocoabean Mural was widely used during the 2007 aldemanic campaign.
The mural itself was done in the fall of 2002. That's when the photo was taken. Long before any Special Service Area #24 tax was in place.
I actually did read that newsletter. I swore that I had read they were using a "local" artist. The article does use the word "local." The thing is, "local" can be interpreted as Rogers Park or Chicago area.
In this case, it sounds like Tom Mannis asked them where they were from and they said Hyde Park. Opposite end of town.
I believe the question still remains did they consider local artists and if not, why not? And who is The Chicago Public Art Group? I can google it when I have time.
Craig- if the picture you show on the blog today is the morse "l" art, their is better arT on the lyola Park seawall-
The CTA lists all contracts of more than $10K since 1998 on their website. Damon Lamar Reed Enterprises is not listed. Also no contracts for mural art.
Damon Lamar Reed Enterprises is not registered with the Illinois Secretary of State.
Not-so-public art group.
Given yesterdays rain storm, I cant believe people are getting worked up over something so trivial as this.
Im amazed by the pictures of a flooded Wrigley Field.
I live in a basement unit in rogers park, so I was relieved to find out that I wasnt flooded out when I got home yesterday.
How did the rain affect rogers park? Were some people less fortunate?
Anyway, over to Inkjar who will provide todays tenous link between goose liver, the rain storm and it all being JoMo's fault.
Good link Craig.
Chicago Public Arts Group is a non-profit that does public arts consulting, among other things. According to the buried Devcorp piece, they "selected" this mural entrepreneur. The process by which this third-party non-profit was given selection privileges here is an unknown.
According to their website, Chicago Public Arts Group twenty (!) member board of directors only includes three people who identify as artists and only two more who identify as members of design firms.
Lets say this artist is excited to be getting this work.
Lets say this artist's dream has come true.
Lets say this artist never had a break in their life and this was the occassion.
Lets say this artist is proud of their work, for what ever meager money they get.
Lets say maybe that person thinks s/he is local and didn't know RP was so elitist that s/he couldn't be included in local art.
as always your pain in the ass dorothy
Not too be rude but Hyde Park is hardly 'on the other side of town", its just down LSD about 15 minutes away.
If two neighborhoods were similar it is HP and RP, large rentals and old buildings and many artists Chicago goes to 138th and Cottoge Grove, so in the scheme of things HP is closer then you think:)
30 minutes minimum to Hyde Park I'd say- minimum and that is with no traffic.
If it's not a big deal to the artists around here, then I am okay with it.
Well what can I say I fly on a broom so its faster.
Oh by the way, the owner of the Nookies coming in at Bryn Mawr and Winthrop just donated $5,000 towards the brickolog mural.
Toto, Stop soiling the floor with that tired old message. If you don't like what's written here, stop reading. Or better yet, start your own little blog and complain there. It's that simple.
Those silly, meaningless little comments you leave are like dog shit on the floor. They must be removed.
All I said was that the Edgewater mural is being done by a group from Uptown and no one in Edgewater is upset. Why did you bump me?
I'm fine with the mural as long as there aren't any RP artists, equally as talented, who don't have their panties in a bunch over it. On my way to the L today, it is, in fact, quite beautiful.
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