Saturday, June 2, 2007


Dear Friends . . .

Just a quick note to let you know that as of May 31st, I will be completing my service as Executive Director with the Rogers Park Community Council / Rogers Park Community Development Corporation (RPCC/RPCDC). For 21 years, I have had an amazing opportunity to work with a team of intelligent, caring and passionate people. I leave an organization that could not be stronger in both its professional staff and Board of Directors. I was able to come into an organization with a proud history and build on the work of our founders. RPCC / RPCDC 's history of advocacy for our community speaks for itself!

I want to thank each of you for your help in that work. Few people have had the opportunities I have. Community is not always easy. Community is like family“ we have a disagreements, but ultimately it's about making a place for our members to grow. The Rogers Park of today is not the one I came to 21 years ago. CAPS was not even an idea. There was little home ownership or investment in the community. The image of Rogers Park was poor.

Together we worked to make Rogers Park a premier community. We can be proud our successes! New neighbors and businesses are moving here everyday“ Rogers Park is a community of choice!

There is still work to do in order to maintain Rogers Park's culture of inclusion and diversity and each of you are a part of making that dream a reality. I am leaving my job, but not my neighborhood - as I still live here.

On June 1st, I will join the City of Chicago's Department of Housing's staff as the new executive director for Chicago's Low Income Housing Trust Fund. The experience that the Rogers Park and its Community Council offered has given me the skills and confidence to move on to this new challenge.

The Board of Directors of the Rogers Park Community Council are conducting an executive search. Senior staff members, Mary Jane Haggerty and Katy Hogan, have been named Interim Co-Executive Directors. Should you have any questions contact Mary Jane at 773.338.7722 extension 26 or Katy at extension 41. (I could not leave the organization in better hands!)

Rogers Park is my home and I will still be available through this transition. The Community Council is part of my heart. Thank you for being a part of it.


Cary Steinbuck

1 comment:

Craig Gernhardt said...

Cary said...> "On June 1st, I will join the City of Chicago's Department of Housing's staff as the new executive director for Chicago's Low Income Housing Trust Fund."

Note to city. Don't let Cary's mom anywhere near the checkbook.

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