Friday, June 1, 2007

* Moving Here Is A Bad Idea!

Unless you are a drug dealer, gang member or prostitute - you don't want to live here. Bil Mar Management is a joke as is maintenance.

Locks are always broken or jammed so anyone can get in. Building is super dirty, only 2 washers and 2 dryers in the cave like laundry room...both are never working at once. Bums often jam locks to sleep in the laundry room..their "professional" way of dealing with that was to post a note stating that, anyone caught jamming locks will have their knees broken with a baseball bat, NICE huh?

Management likes to post passive aggressive notes blaming the problems on tenants when it is really their shitty management that has led to the condition of the building. They will rent to ANYONE and EVERYONE.

Chances are your neighbors will be domestic violence poster children, prostitutes, dealers or pimps. My neighbor was actually forced out of his apartment by a pimp...CPD later raided the building...this happened frequently. It's not nice to be woken up to the sound of dozens of police running in the halls and knocking in doors!

A man was murdered in front of this building a couple years back and the perps had keys to the building...and did NOT live there.

My apartment was a crack house and was not cleaned before I moved in...but I was expected to clean it when I moved out. Shady people often party on the back stairwell and make you feel scared to even throw out your trash! Management is totally cool with letting a woman with 7 kids live in a studio apartment!

Something broken? Good luck getting it fixed. Heat barely works and when you complain about it management really doesn't seem to care. Windows are so drafy you can feel a breeze if you sit by them. Just a bad, bad building...

I have friends who live in other Bil-Mar buildings and they are living in hell as well so your best bet is just to avoid Bil-Mar all together.

If you are a dealer, pimp, prostitute or gang member, this place is perfect for you!

BLOGNOTES: Actual Bil Mar Property Review


Jocelyn said...

This is the "problem" building on the 6900 block of Lakewood. Next door there is a new condo bldg. and the couple who bought the adjacent duplex are selling because they feel they are living beside "a war zone." They don't want to raise their new baby amidst this. I would hope they call the police- I know I would. Some people don't want to fight the good fight though and would rather just move. With the current market, it may not be so easy though.

It's advisable to do your homework when buying a propety for many reasons.

There are some good tenants and nice people that live in the building too. I've known several that have left because of the conditions.

Very often the cause of our calls to 911 orgininate from 6916 N. Lakewood.

Mark Fletcher said...

Theres a few things wrong with this posting.

First of all its anonymous. You cant verify whether or not the person lived there, regardless of the problems that currently plague said address.

Secondly, A search on Bil Mar in Google, reveals, which is the closest match to a firm owning property in N Side Chicago.

The website doesnt list properties for rent at that address.

So either a) The firm is deliberately concealing information regarding what properties it owns, or b) it no longer owns that property, and the current owner has neglected to change any signs.

Just thought I'd point that out.

lafew said...

Sometimes, signs are deceptive. If the checks are going to Bil Mar, maybe the owners are actually some absentee owner. Also, by going anonymous, exaggeration, if any, can be difficult to dispute.

If someone wants to move, then that is their option. Looks can be deceiving, we should not assume anything, but not be naive, either. Some are wannabes and with a bit of care, the wannabes grow up. We had a few next door, but they learned to control themselves.

Four blocks north, a homicide took place more than ten years ago. We have tens of thousands of people living in a densely packed area of condos, apartments, townhomes, and a a hundred or less family houses thrown in the five blocks.

There will be Heat of passion deaths for those who cannot control their temper. We had it in Andersonville, we see it in Evanston, density brings on emotion and some cannot control it. Often, if you take emotions and frustration down a few notches, you can eliminate some unnecessary violence. You might even get to know someone that you really did not know due to a shortsighted first impression.

Take it from someone who has witnessed more than one stabbing within ten feet in their lifetime. Both could have been stopped with a little bit of self control on the part of the victims.
I was left untouched and not bothered. The attacker was stoned in two cases. In the others, it was so avoidable, it was pathetic.

There are drivebys; we know it, but the two rodesters near Jordan Community were at it and what can I say! One of the passengers went into intensive care at St. Francis; was it, flashing gang signs?

BTW, Craig, what ever happened to the guy? Who is he? Does the guy even live in RP or does he live in Evanston, et. al.? Just curious.

lafew said...

Well, we can always move to Evanston

Review Title: Got Robbed Twice Here
Reviewer: Anonymous
Review Date: 11/9/06

800 Hinman Ave
800 Hinman Ave
Evanston, IL 60202

I am a tenant here and got robbed twice. Security is really an issue. If I were you I would look for another place.

Ratings Summary
Overall Rating:1.0Security:1.0Parking:1.0Appearance:1.0Management:1.0Maintenance:1.0Unit Condition:1.0Noise:1.0

lafew said...

Herlo Mgm.
2037 West Fargo
Chicago, IL 60645

Ratings Summary
Overall Rating:5.0Security:4.0Parking:4.0Appearance:3.0Management:3.0Maintenance:3.0Unit Condition:2.0Noise:4.0

lafew said...

Weiss Properties
6666 N. Western Ave
Chicago, IL 60626

Ratings Summary
Overall Rating:5.0Security:4.0Parking:2.0Appearance:4.0Management:5.0Maintenance:4.0Unit Condition:4.0Noise:5.0

Reviewer: Ynobelove
Review Date: 7/9/03
Rate This Apartment
The building was safe and secure, with no in and out traffic in the building. The apartments were big and beautiful for the price. All utilities included with excellent janitorial services. The buildings stay clean, and if you ever needed anything fixed they would always respond promptly.

Jocelyn said...

There is a Bil-Mar sign in the window of this building so they are at least managing the property.

I know people who have lived there and have complained to me personally. That posting sounds like a college student who moved into the wrong building. I saw some this year and felt sorry for them because I knew what they were in for.

There are a good number of good people that live in that building so it can't be that bad.

Jamie said...

This is not the only "problem building." Bil-Mar is a problem comepany. I have rented all over the city and this management company is the absolute worst. They are very rude, unaccomodating and make you feel like you are inconveniencing them whenever you call regarding a problem. I have lived in my apartment for 2 1/2 years and have called with problems a total of 6 times at the most (some of which were repeat calls regarding the same problem which was never fixed - namely dogs running all over the property without leashes and running up to other tenants - illegal by the way). So, I am not what one would call a high-maintenance tenant. I rent...I realize things won't be perfect. I am not asking for a perfect apartment, but when my tub won't drain and backs up on me or when a dog bites my mother while she's visiting, I expect them not to treat me like a hassle.

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