Sunday, July 8, 2007

* Another Neighborhood Garden

Triangle Park. The furthest northwest park in Rogers Park, on the west end of Juneway Terrace. Dennis, one of the caretakers, has been hounding me to feature this gem. Well Dennis, here you go.


Levois said...

Very nice. Relaxing I'll bet too.

Craig Gernhardt said...

During a morning sunrise, while the bums are sleeping it off. After that, this park is a free-for-all. It's beyond me how my flowers get plucked and peed on, and these flowers survive.

Pamela said...

Folks like Dennis, Sister Cecelia, Miss Able, Tuesday, and others whose names I don't know have done an amazing job in helping to turn around a once nasty area into a beautiful space for people to enjoy. Kudos to these folks for their efforts. Too bad our political leadership has never sung their praises nor even told the community about these efforts. Which, I guess, goes to show that private citizens working together can effect bigger changes than politicos who get paid with our tax dollars. Congrats to all North of Howard folks who worked to make a big difference here!

Robin said...

Well, whatever happens there after sunrise- it's a bit of land that looks loved by someone, and that's a beautiful thing.

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