Thursday, July 26, 2007

* Gun Shots Heard @ Morse and Glenwood

About 1:10 a.m. last night, I heard what sounded like 2 shots fired around the Rider building at Morse and Glenwood. (1340 West Morse) Loud enough to wake me up. When I looked out the window, there were numerous open air drug market salesman scattering in all directions. Some screams could be heard. I turned on the scanner and caught the tail end of some incident at that exact location. Then I saw a squad car going south on the east side of Glenwood.

BLOGNOTES #1: It's been over 8 months since Joe Moore claimed victory against the gangs, guns and drugs around the Rider Building. I can tell you, just like Bush falsely claimed victory against in the war on terror - Joe Moore's is just as inaccurate with his victory speech on the Rider Building and it's surrounding area. This area is gang central for CAPS Beat 2431.

BLOGNOTES #2: All the while, Moore lackeys Marilyn Pagan, David Fagus, Michael James, Kevin O'Neil and Jim Ginderske are overwhelmingly recommending cozy new places for the gangs to hang out and drink and shoot each other.

BLOGNOTES #3: Seems like Moore, Fagus, James, Pagan, O'Neil and Ginderske are for the gangs, guns and drugs - not against them. Until there is real change in the leadership, this will be all too commonplace.


Craig Gernhardt said...

One for the newbies. More problems when dealing with 1340 West Morse and the Aldermans office.

Toni said...

What's the breakdown on these appointed members? I see one or two affiliated with NFP's, other 'loyal' supporters, an ex candidate, real estate people, is there a structural engineer and an architect on board (no pun intended). The real estaters/developers are tested to a certain depth but just how deep is their knowledge when it comes to deciding what happens NOH?

Second question: Since Island Groove appears to not be practicing 'good neighbor' rules, why doesn't the alderman and DevCorp help them find a more suitable place on a commercial strip? That question was asked at the last meeting - no answer was given that I heard. Their lease will expire soon I think so why not help them move on to a more suitable place, keep up with the mission statement of DevCorp and let us know the address of the next NOH affordable housing building. As for the NFP's, when are they going to teach 'how to be good neighbors' instead of being so politically active?

The North Coast said...

The crap will never end at this building.

Time to get a court-ordered vacate on this rathole.

First, get the legitimate, good tenants relocated to better places. There are many nice cheap and/or rent-stabilized places in Edgewater for the good tenants. Providing relocation assistance for legit tenants should be part of the process of shutting a bldg. down.

Then move on this rathole. It has never been and never will be a good building.

And speak not of the financial damage it will do the property owner. Tough luck. If you can't keep your place in hand, and it becomes a threat to the health and safety of nearby residents, then you need to lose it.

beckyb said...

What about the construction last nigth at 1230am? Not gunshots, unless they shot like 300 rounds. Sounded like a jackhammer. - Right by the train morse stop.

Craig Gernhardt said...

I hear the construction work too. This was two popping sounds. Like what you hear from a gun.

Plus, like I said, I looked out the window and saw a bunch of what I will claim is gang members spilling out in all directions.

Then a police car came after what I said was a police scanner report of some sort of fight at the same location.

Ask to view the Block video footage from last night. I would bet you will see gangs hanging in front of the Block building around 1 a.m.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Or better yet, 911 records will show, someone else called about that time, hearing the same thing.

Couch Captain said...

Craig I'm no fan of yours but running to your window when you hear gun shots is stupid and dangerous, we know those buttwipes out shooting are not good shots. Don't wind up in the news you're tring to cover.

Let me know how we get a building like that shut down I'll do whatever I can to help yall. Even though I think your Gordon is a goof. I hate fu*king guns in the hands of idiots.

Ryne said...

If there wasn't the gun shots reported Sunday morning & people complaining about the incident at Island Groove Cafe, joey would have granted the club a liquor license, no doubt about that! He had his puppets have a pretend hearing July 10th and as stated "The committee overwhelmingly recommended that the Alderman grant the request for zoning relief which will allow the applicants the right to begin the process of applying for a tavern license."

Think about that!! Craig doesn't post the shooting bringing this to the voters attention, well the liquor would be flowing , gun shots would be ringing out many a night!.

Which reinforces joey statement of him working to make RP a better place to live, and keeping crime down at the low level joey claims crime to be.

Keep up the good work, it's great to have puppets buffer your decisions , so you can step up and be a good alderman & not grant a liquor license to a club that should never of been even considered to have one.

joey time to resign, move to Wasington, that would be a great step in makeing the 49th ward a better place.

Hillari said...

I agree with the north coast. Business owners around the area need to be responsible for what goes on in and around their property.

Reminds of me of a barber shop that used to sit on the corner of Columbia and Sheridan, across from where the Starbucks is now. There were always people hanging around the door and out front. Now I understand that barber and beauty shops are neighborhood hang-outs such as taverns are. However, potential customers are leery of visiting a business when people are always loitering outside.

I've stopped going inside some mom & pop fast food places around the area because of the same problem. Why, as a business owner, would you allow people to stand outside, often blocking your doorway? Or even worse, lounge around inside the place? If they're not buying something or a vendor the owner does business with, then the owner should put them out.

Veronica said...

It's a great testament to how things work around here, that the same buildings that had all those problems a year ago are being complained about once again. The Block building is scary, plain and simple, and an obvious drug and gang house. Doesn't look like much has changed over a year. I get the willies just walking past on the way to Morse Market.

Brian said...

I don't live in his ward (walking distance though) but I wrote Joe a letter telling him that I'm scaling back my support for area businesses until I see that progress has been made on the gang problem.

I would prefer not to be verbally abused by drug dealers on my way to dinner.

It's all I can do, I guess.

Fargo Woman said...

Island Groove should be declared a public nuisance by the Alderman AND the police AND any other city official who has the authority to do so and shut down. As far as moving it to a "commercial" strip, I respectfully disagree. There are a public nuisance and would only degrade the commercial area they relocated to, harming the surrounding businesses in the meantime. Island Grove has proven its inability to conduct a responsible safe business that enhances the surrounding area instead of tearing it down. Let's get this place shut down once and for all for the good of all Rogers Park.

The North Coast said...

Agree with Fargo Woman- Island Groove got its chance and blew it.

Now let's shut them down before they get a firmer footnold.

James Ginderske said...


You seem hell bent on convincing your readers that the ZALUAC committee is trying to make the neighborhood worse. That is ridiculous.

Policy is complex, and the situation at Island Groove is a good example of that fact.

Island Groove wanted a liquor license, and we basically said: “Look, if you want this, you’re going to have to start conforming to the community’s standards.”

They said they agreed, and produced a written plan for doing so.

Less than two weeks later a shooting incident occurred. Because they failed, for whatever the reason to provide the security they said would protect the neighborhood, Moore was duty-bound to reject Island Groove’s applications, and did so.

ZALUAC made the security issue an ongoing litmus test for the operation of Island Groove. In this case that seemed the right thing to do. Future applicants should take note and understand that if they come to ZALUAC they will be required to live up to their commitments.

We’re not perfect Craig, but we are honestly trying to help make Rogers Park a better place to live.

Craig Gernhardt said...

James said....> "Policy is complex."

What's so complex James? You give Joe money, you get what you want. That's not complex. Just look at the D-2's buddy. That's how it works.

Craig Gernhardt said...

James said....> "but we are honestly trying to help make Rogers Park a better place to live."

That's what your predecessor Jay Johnson said before his building killed six children.

Craig Gernhardt said...

James said...> "Look, if you want this, you’re going to have to start conforming to the community’s standards.”

ZULAC Translation: Make the check payable to Citizens for Joe Moore.

Craig Gernhardt said...

James said..... "You seem hell bent on convincing your readers that the ZALUAC committee is trying to make the neighborhood worse."

No James, you guys are doing a great job of that on your own. I just post the information.

proGun said...

James I have a new frisbee for you.
Hope all is ok.
Welcome to public service.

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