Friday, July 13, 2007

* Heartland Employee Calls Neighbors Assholes

All of you people bashing the Heartland, Michael and Katy are ASSHOLES.

Don't like the Heartland, don't go there, but all of you dicks who can't leave the computer, and only bitch about the area, either do something about it or quit your bitching.

This is a business that has been a staple of the community for 31 years.

Craig, readers, what other businesses have been here for that long.......... that you DON'T support?

And, Craig, where do all of the victims run to after they get jumped by your pals the gooners??

To the Heartland Cafe, and At Least we'll call the police and help them Craig, rather than just take their picture as they get beat down, and run back to your computer to blog about it like the coward you are.

If you don't like your Surroundings, Move.

Craig you are a prick, and I hope I never EVER have to serve you again.


BLOGNOTES: Don't worry Brettly, you won't have to. As for calling the police, that's up to debate. From what I hear, the gangbangers were hanging out right in front of the Heartland, watching this whole beat-down last night. Should we check the 911 records if you called? Plus, I know for a fact, I rarely see the Heartland represented at the CAPS 2423 meetings.

As for my readers you call assholes and dicks. I'd suggest to them not to patronize your business either. You have serious anger issues. If someone may accidently say something wrong to you or about poor Michael James, you may give them the beat-down?


Craig Gernhardt said...

2004 - Channel 5 covers goonings in front of the Heartland Cafe.

Heart. said...

I feel that it is necessary and I need to say this... First of all, I'd like to apologize for my statements the other day. It is not in my character to stereotype people, and upon my moving here I have been doing this a lot. It is something I am working through. In my classes I have been bombarded with all sorts of books and articles on race, and all sorts of stereotyping and information regarding educating young people. I have normally never had to think about race until now. So now it's overload, and I've talked with some of my classmates (black, white, latino) and they all said the same thing. It's so much information, that now you have to sort through it and come up with your own conclusions. So as I go through this, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it to be hurtful, it was merely observation, and it went out of control.

Also, to those of you who enjoy anonymously posting on my blog, please stop and just reveal yourself. We will probably never even meet in the first place. It's pretty immature to call me names when you have no idea who I am. That was just ridiculously high-schoolish.

Thank you.

the.dub said...


I'm _not_ posting anonymously!!! And I do want that coffee ;)

rogerspark60645 said...

Brettly, Craig can drink at the Oasis. I hear there is a lot to be seen over there.

Heart. said...

Cee- just give me your email address and I'll email you.

the.dub said...

Ah, The Oasis. I miss that place. I don't miss the circumstances that drove me there during school nights, but I miss that place...

Mark Fletcher said...


Regardless of Brettly's comments, it is very bad etiquette to reproduce an email in a public forum such as this without his prior consent. The email that Brettly sent was to you only and therefore should be considered a private conversation.

rogerspark60645 said...

Mark Fletcher, Craig's reproduction was not from an e-mail that was sent to him personally. In fact, it was a reproduction of a comment that Brettly recently posted under the Michael James story.

Unknown said...

based upon reading it again, it doesn't sound like it was a private email.

more likely something he posted.

since he says "all of you people bashing" and "craig, readers, what other"

sounds like he's talking to all of us!

rogerspark60645 said...

Dave, I think he is talking to/about us. I guess I'll have to stop by The Red Line and take it up with him. Nawww...

Mark Fletcher said...

RogersPark60645 -

If so, then I stand corrected.

rogerspark60645 said...

Mark, no problem.

DorothyParker007 said...
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DorothyParker007 said...
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DorothyParker007 said...

a/m - I didn't think you were stereotyping. I think its a bit of a reach to say so. You just said that hewhowon'tbenamed was talking to a hispanic women, So whats the big deal? And of course the logic is if they were 2 white peeps, you would'nt have said they were white.

Its not racist, its america. I hear all races talking and we tend to differeniate races if there are several together. For ex. I heard recently "hey man, I saw you talking to some white girl, whats up." no white guy talking there. I have lived amongst mucho races my whole life and I still don't know when someone wants to be call African American or black, my friends go by both. Personally I wish there was something cooler sounding then "white" people and what the f**k is a causasion (sp?) anyhow.

I was recently hooked up with my 2 grammer school friends and what did I call them, my Japanese childhood friends. Am I racist? No, and generally I tend not to differentiate black/latino in conversations, I guess I have come to blend the big 3 races together.

I love it, your just having race overload. Go to Weiner Circle and get a bad ass grilled polish with hand cut fries, yum.

3:59 PM

DorothyParker007 said...

""Heartland Employee Calls Neighbors Assholes""

Just don't call me late for dinner.

Veronica said...

To the Heartland employee who shows such animosity towards those who are just reporting what they see: Just because a business has been in a neighborhood for *blank* number of years, does not automatically make it angelic. The US government has been around for much more than 30 years, and it's scary and deceitful as shit. If Heartland wants to be a real contributor to the community, if they see something illegal going on, they should be the first to report it, or to stop it in some way. That would make a lot more sense, to me.

As to telling people to move if they don't like their surroundings - that never fixes anything. That's just avoiding the issue, and when people move out of a neighborhood, they allow the filth and degradation to take over. And that's what actually caring about a neighborhood is fighting against.

Unknown said...

Impressive. What a fine spokesperson for the Heartland you are Brettly. I bet Michael and Katy can't wait to thank you for saving their business and public reputation.

Your persuasive way of putting things has totally changed our mind about that fine eatery. Please pop a BBQ Seitan in the oven for us now...we'll be right over.


The Assholes

The Half Jap said...
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Unknown said...

Gosh Brettly, we knew you were an incredible spokesperson but we underestimated your powers of surveillance, X-ray vision and clairvoyance.

Got to go. Got a whole lot of nothin' to get back to. Keep the seitan warm.


The Assholes

Abe said...

I was confused at first as to the meaning of the first sentence of Brettly's articulate message. Was he telling those who were bashing the Heartland that Michael and Katy were assholes? Or was he directing his statement to the larger group of people who were bashing the Heartland, Michael and Katy, to whom his message was, "you . . . are ASSHOLES."

Then, adding to the confusion was, "[d]on't like the Heartland, don't go there . . . ." Depending on how you read the first sentence, this either was his own personal statement, as in "[I] don't like Heartland, [I] don't go there . . . ." The other option was more of a command, as in "[If you] don't like the Heartland, don't go there . . . ."

I only really figured out where this guy was coming from when he said that he worked there, assuming that a current employee would not call his employers assholes and claim to never go there.

No real point, just Friday confusion.

morseville said...

The Heartland is just the BrokenHeartland. Get over yourself, and the name calling Brettly. Grow up.

Natas said...

60645 you have no place to say a word, as you DON'T LIVE in east rogers park, so shut the F#@k UP.

As for the rest of you who bash the Heartland Cafe, you realize, in addition to meesing with the owners, you also mess with people that work there, servers and bartenders who rely on the money they make from business there.

By promoting the bad of the area through the Heartland Cafe, you are hurting them as well, a lot of STUDENTS who depend and rely on their jobs not just at the Heartland CAfe but other local businesses.

Students and people who are trying to better themselves.

How many of the peole here work or have worked in the service industry??

Get it??

And Bashing that dude Brettly.

That's not too cool, because it seems that he is one of the few readers/bloggers here willing to speak out against the garbage that this blog spews. If Craig, the moderator/creator of this blog was a RESPECTABLE person, he'd consider the direct result of how his actions and postings here directly and adversely effect the area.


Natas said...

hey v and j - you own a business?

Unknown said...

hey, you want to talk about all the rainbows and puppy dogs in rogers park, go start a blog.

when people google for rogers park blogs, they will find your blog, as well as craigs. different views of the same area, should be fun reading. more choice is always good!

you and people with the same mindset can go bury your heads in the sand, and pretend that there are no problems here. or, if there are, you can ignore them because STUDENTS need to work! great reason to ignore all the crap.

i'm no business major myself, but i'm pretty sure one way to have customers return to a place i work is to call them all assholes. but i don't mind, cause s/he needs the money, so why should it bother me, right?

as for myself, i come here to read about all the shit i won't find in the papers, or in the news, yet see around myself day in and day out.

i just don't understand why the haters just don't stay away from here if they don't like it.

I think craig can be a bit biased at times, so i take everything with a grain of salt. this blog is another source of information, which is used to draw my own conclusions about things.

hey, i even check the site every now and again too! ;)

Veronica said...

nope, don't own a business, but I do know about responsibility and being a good person.

Natas said...

V & J - you're a good person?
and Craig is HONEST - Ha, Ihighly doubt it.

Here's a good one - Craig is honest, Don Gordon won the race and v & j is a responsble and good person.

Now I have heard everything

Craig Gernhardt said...

Wonder if Brettly got taken to the woodshed by Katy and Michael? The poor guy removed all his nasty comments. That'll teach him to engage brain before opening mouth.

Jocelyn said...

We are actually regular Heartland customers. I like the food and the servers are very nice also. I like Katy Hogan. I don't know Michael James. I would be VERY sorry to see them go.

Brettly- I really think you have Craig and us wrong. You seem to have had an irrational emotional meltdown. I think you owe an apology to everyone for your terrible outburst really.

Craig would be the first one to try and help someone or stop a crime- so would many of us. We care and that is why we blog.

Many people like Heartland some do not. Same is true of many restaurants. Get over it.


another asshole that eats at he heartland

Craig Gernhardt said...

Brettly said....> "Craig you are a prick, and I hope I never EVER have to serve you again."

Sounds like you got your next album title.

Unknown said...

Jocelyn, great summary: "We care and that is why we blog."

Natas said...

Hey Brettly, I think punch in craigs face sounds better

cdrosa said...

I really like the Heartland. I think if there were more business's like it the entire area would be much safer. Especially in the summer - you see people eating outside and it makes the area feel friendy and safe.

Plus they have amazing breakfast burritos.

Unknown said...

natas said Hey Brettly, I think punch in craigs face sounds better

What astonishing problem solving abilities you have. Your professors must be so proud. Or is that part of the skill set you've acquired "on the job"? **

(Brettly, I think it may be time for you to find a new publicist...)

**see rambling, poorly argued and abusive natas rant posted at 5:30 pm for additional information

Jake Kronika, Owner, Gridline Design said...
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Veronica said...

I'm sorry NATAS, but you're coming off as a huge asshole to everyone here. First off, you have no idea who I am or what I am like. So, you have no way of judging me. I, however, have gotten quite a bit from your childish posts...

rogerspark60645 said...

natas, I should shut the fuck up? Perhaps I live in the 50th. You don't know me at all. I work in the 49th. I shop in the 49th every week day. I own income property in the 49th and have for 17 years. I'll be over there sanding walls today. Perhaps I am more invested in the area than you are? If you were one of my kids I'd slap you.

RP4Life said...

The Heartland Cafe is the typical business that takes every penny out and never puts a cent back into their business. I haven't eaten there in years because it looks like shit. Brettly is the manager. For a supposed liberal bastion they sure express and tolerate much hatred.

DorothyParker007 said...

you can call me an asshole but watch it with the dick.

lafew said...
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lafew said...

Heartland is a fixture and a fun place to eat; get over it. Brettly needs anger management, in my humble opinion, accept it. I think that he is just on a rant, but ended up on the losing end. He just likes his eggs always sunny side up or so it seems to me. Seems naive to me.

Most of us, who get the chance and have the cash will hit Heartland every summer. Michael James is a good guy; no one is perfect. However, if I were Craig, I would be a fool to walk into Heartland at this point until things cool down.

As for the critique on MJ opening up the garage for people struggling to make a buck with some independence, Moore could do what was done at the Maxwell Street Market and work with MJ to get more of the vendors certified at the Department of Health.

Look, the carts are usually not my fare, except for Monarca paletas, but carts get business, pure and simple.

Also, I think it 'stinks' that someone was gooned on MJ's property. Finally, 60645 extends to the east side of Ridge, perhaps further east, which has always been Moore's Ward, so get a grip on it.

BTW, so what's the deal with Mike Land and Kevin Cosgrove's resignation; overworked and underpaid? Moore really lost two extremely dedicated workers. What is with the new UIC/recycling 'doo-waah' tooting her horn and taking over Moore's office? Frankly, I think that the new proposal for recycling is a nose dive compared to blue bag. I am not going to haul my recyclables to a facility. This is not the seventies, anymore.

It is time for Chicago to grow up, collect some revenue from reactionaries, and recycle responsibly, not make some lame excuse for those who are too lazy to bag or box it. fining those who blow off recycling would be the best thing since parking tickets; I just wish that the city could actually do something significant with the money other than giving Aldermen a pay raise.

This comes from a momentary deadbeat who was recently hit with a expired sticker violation.

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