Wednesday, July 25, 2007

* Pink Postcard - "Center on Evidence"

"The complaint will be beefed up after all the evidence that we've gathered is figured in," Michael LaVelle, Gordon's attorney.

At the center of that evidence, LaVelle said, is a mailing of pink postcards targeting local blogger and Gordon supporter, Toni Duncan. The postcards were allegedly mailed to African-American residents throughout the neighborhood in the days before the runoff.

Included in the return address were Duncan's home address and unit number, along with a fictitious organization "Conservatives for Gordon." Duncan said that more than 650 pink postcards marked "undeliverable" have since been returned to her home address.

The postcards stated that Gordon would ensure that homeowners' property values remained safe by encouraging more ownership and eliminating the ward's low income housing. Gordon has stated no such organization exists and that the postcards were not mailed from anyone working for his campaign.

"We're using the pink postcards as a source of further investigation. We are checking the addresses of people who were shown to have moved but who also voted," LaVelle said.

Full Story.


Craig Gernhardt said...

Pink Postcard Paper Trail.

SouthEvanstonian said...

Joe comes off sounding both smug and defensive in this article. Talk about a sore "winner"!

Does he mean what he said about everyone getting together to work on the things important to this ward? Speaking of which, what work HAS he been doing? I have yet to hear of any move to reduce the recent violence that has been overtaking RP ... It seems the only news we get out of Moore's office inolves announcements of yet another low-income building "preserved" for decades to come, or the ribbon cutting of a business he had little to do with establishing.

Fargo Woman said...

I don't understand why Gordon's attorney isn't bringing up the videos taken of Moore electioneering at the nursing homes or the other testimonies I've read about here on the Broken Heart about eye-witness testimonies to the same effect. What about the "bingo" monies given out at the nursing home the day of or just prior to the election? Obviously the attorney knows more about the law than I do but if these things really happened, then aren't they illegal? If they are illegal, shouldn't they be included as evidence in the suit?

Mark Fletcher said...

He sounds like a dick, "Will I or wont I come back for a fifth term? Oh decisions, decisions..."

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